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Once again, Im sorry for any inconvenience caused.

Once again we saw her facial movement and heard her voice faintly. 可我们又一次看到她的脸在动,又一次听到了她微弱的声音。
Once again when initial productivity gains had been absorbed, the rate of population growth abated. 一旦最初的生产力增长被吸收殆尽,人口的增长再次衰落。
Once again, Beijing frames Taiwan. 于是,北京再一次地设计搆陷了台湾。
Once again, Dawei speaks from the heart and his truthfulness shines through. 大为再次表现出了他的坦诚和说出了他的心里话。
Once again, I thank you very much for posting my recordings. 再次,我非常感谢你贴出我的检测报告。
Once again, Im sorry for any inconvenience caused. 再一次,我为所有的不便表示歉意。
Once again, Marla marveled at how clean the room was and homey and welcoming it felt. 又一次,玛丽为这么清洁的楼房惊奇,她感受到舒适和受欢迎。
Once again, Rotary spirit is vividly demonstrated in this project and we are touching people's hearts. 扶轮精神再一次生动地展现在这个计画,我们也感动了人心。
Once again, a stellar cast has been assembled, headed by glorious German soprano Dagmar Schellenberger, the current reigning Marschallin at the Vienna State Opera, and featuring a show-stopping guest appearance by Hong Kong's own operatic star Warren Mok. 港乐再次请来巨星阵容,玛莎琳一角由现时于维也纳国家歌剧院担演同一角色的德国女高音舒仑贝格担任,并邀得香港本地著名歌剧男高音莫华伦客串演出。
Once again, do not underestimate Mr Bush's strength. 同样,布什的外交力量也不容小觑。
Once again, female autonomy is simply not an option if one adopts this worldview. 一旦其站在世界的立场上看待这个问题,女人的自治非常的简单。

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