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Effects of glucagon and insulin on expression of GLNR mRNA by cultured neonatal calf lipocytes in vitro;

Establishment of a novel neuroglioma transplantation model in rats; 一种新的神经胶质瘤原位移植模型的建立
Development of a new type of field first-aid negative pressure fracture fixation splint; 一种新型野战急救负压式骨折固定夹板的设计研究
Systemic identification of a paclitaxel-producing endofungus; 一株产紫杉醇的丝状真菌的系统分类鉴定
Roles of Insulin, Stem Cell Factor and Interstitial Cells of Cajal in Diabetic Gastroparesis; 胰岛素、干细胞因子和Cajal间质细胞在糖尿病胃轻瘫中的作用
Effects of insulin and glucagons on abundance of ADPN mRNA and HSL mRNA in bovine adipocyte; 胰岛素、胰高血糖素对体外培养的牛脂肪细胞HSL mRNA和ADPN mRNA丰度的影响
Effects of glucagon and insulin on expression of GLNR mRNA by cultured neonatal calf lipocytes in vitro; 胰岛素、胰高血糖素对体外培养脂肪细胞胰高血糖素受体mRNA丰度的影响
Study of lnsulin on the Cognitive Function Change of Type 2 Diabetes with Senile Dementia; 胰岛素对2型糖尿病并发老年性痴呆认知功能影响的研究
Asymmetric reduction of prochiral ketone to these chiral alcohols by active microbe cells is one of the most promising routes. 以4-氯苯乙酮(C l-ACP)为苯环上含卤素的芳香酮的模型底物,研究了活性酵母细胞在水相体系中催化该类芳香酮不对称还原合成相应手性醇的反应特性。
The components of methylhydracyclosiloxane were analyzed quantificationally by superficial unitary method and internal standard method,taking n decane as internal standard substance. 以OV - 1(甲基硅橡胶 )为固定相、采用毛细管气相色谱仪分离甲基氢混合环硅氧烷 ,并用红外光谱确定色谱图中各峰的归属 ;分别采用面积归一法和内标法 (正癸烷为内标物 )对甲基氢混合环硅氧烷馏出液和釜料中各组分进行定量分析。
The high-level expression of the cDNA for soluble human stem cell factor (hSCF) in Escherichia coli and the purification of the recombinant hSCF product were reported here. 以pBV220为载体,进行了合成可溶型人干细胞因子(SCF)cDNA在大肠杆菌中的温控型的高效表达。
Dead-stop titration method and the new one were compared by t-test. 以t-检验法对两种测定方法的结果进行分析。

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