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I thought he talked a lot of rubbish.

I thought at the time I wanted to become a senator, but deep down I probably felt as Abraham Lincoln did when he wrote as a young man, “I will study and get ready, and perhaps my chance will come. 当时我认为自己想当参议员,但在内心深处我或许是像阿伯拉罕·林肯年轻时所写的那样:“我要努力学习,时刻准备着,也许我的机遇就会来临。”
I thought ep 39 was a pretty good collection of loose ends, making a finale and conclusion to season 3. 我觉得39话很棒,它是对第三季内容的梳理和总结。
I thought he comes from Texas but I just learned that he comes from New England. 我原认为他来自德州,但是我刚才才知道他来自于英格兰州。
I thought he had a fair game today, better than in some recent matches. 我想他今天的表现还不错,比他最近的几场比赛都要好。
I thought he must have misunderstood me, so I repeated its name. 我想他一定误解了我的意思,于是又说一遍村庄的名字。
I thought he talked a lot of rubbish. 我觉得他谈的都是些废话。
I thought he wanted to go home. 我觉得他好像想要回家。
I thought he was a good friend but when I really needed his help he was shown to be a broken reed. 我以为他是个好朋友,可是当我真的需要他的帮助时,他却一点也靠不住。
I thought he was going to vomit. 我想他要呕吐了。
I thought he was in the Middle East. 布什:亚瑟尔?你是说阿拉法特在中国?我以为他在中东呢。
I thought he was making fun of me and ran faster than ever reaching the schoolyard quite out of breath. 我以为他在取笑我,就越发跑得快起来,到达学校时我都上气不接下气了。

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