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They also continually promote the visibility of pan-Islamic cultural heritage.

They also claimed that it was a Mossad plot to discredit Syria. 他们还声称,那件事是摩萨德为使叙利亚蒙耻而实施的阴谋。
They also come into contact with bond, a high-grade paper used for important documents. 他们也会接触到铜版纸,一种高级的重要文件用纸。
They also conflict with evidence that girls do better in school exams than boys. 此外,这项研究结果和女孩的考试成绩总比男孩好的事实相矛盾。
They also consider whether the test taker has effectively synthesized and summarized the information in the integrated tasks. 他们也在综合题目中,对考生是否能够归纳、总结信息进行考核。
They also contain a lot of cosmic crud, mostly in the form of dust-sized grains. 他们也含有一些宇宙杂质,大多是灰尘大小的颗粒。
They also continually promote the visibility of pan-Islamic cultural heritage. 该项目还将不断促进泛伊斯兰文化遗产的可见性。
They also coordinated donations of funds and equipment, mainly syringes, from Indonesian Rotary clubs and provided food for hundreds of volunteers working at health facilities and the scene of the deadly blast. 他们也协调印尼的扶轮社捐赠资金与设备(主要是注射针筒),并提供食物给数百名在医疗机构与爆炸现场工作的义工。
They also cultivate fine breeds of silkworms. 他们还培养了良种蚕。
They also damage electrical equipment and machinery. 它们还破坏电力设备和机器。
They also deal with similar threats over the former Yugoslavia, though to a lesser degree. 在前南斯拉夫他们也要面对相同的威胁,尽管程度会稍弱一点。
They also develop, implement, and administer several courses of instruction. 他们还在制定、实施和管理多项教学课程。

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