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Clark and Leo have a good time together.

Clarity around the full costs and net contribution of each program may appear at first glance to be heavily profit-focused. 乍看下来,对每个项目的总体成本和净收入的清晰了解似乎过于注重盈利。
Clarity around the structure and level of their operating costs provides organizations and their leaders with crucial information that they can bring to bear on this challenging decision. 但他们对于任何组织未来绩效都很重要,尤其是希望扩展到新的地区的组织。
Clarity may come with the new year, when a formal budget is due. 随着明年正式预算报告的出炉,事态将日趋明朗。
Clarity of diction is vital for a public speaker. 发音清晰对演说家至关重要.
Clark GT,Sohn JW,Hong CN.Treating obstructive sleep apnea and snoring:assessment of an anterior mandibular positioning device.J Am Dent Assoc 2000;131:765-71. 阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停低通气综合征诊治指南(草案).中华结核和呼吸杂志.2002;25:195-198.
Clark and Leo have a good time together. 克拉克和里欧相处愉快。
Clark is appealing the sentence, court officials said. 报道说,克拉克对此判决仍感不满,他已经提出了上诉。
Clark is supported by a variety of health groups including the American Psychiatric Association, American Psychological Association and American Association on Mental Retardation. 克拉克被很多健康的群体所支持,这包括美国精神病协会、美国心理协会、美国智力缺陷协会。
Clark learns the Kiwatche legend foretold of a knife that could kill Naman and sets out to reclaim it before the young Indian can use it on Lionel (John Glover). 简奇勒获悉这个预言故事,原来结果是这位印第安男孩将会最终死亡,便打算抢回这把拥有神力的匕首,并企图阻止男孩威胁路莱尼。
Clark's maps provided information abut huge areas that had been unknown. 克拉克绘制的地图提供了大量关于未知地域的信息。
Clark's unrequited love for Lois and her crush on Superman are the soul of the story. 克拉克对路易斯不求回报的爱以及她对超人的迷恋是故事的灵魂所在。

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