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I'd glue a small magnet to the top blind slat and use a Hall effect sensor attached to the frame to determine when the blinds were fully open or closed.

I'd give anything in the world just to make her like me, but it's just not possible. 我愿会不惜任何代价让她喜欢我。但那也许不太可能。
I'd give anything to have a go on that merry-go-round. 我只要能去坐一坐旋转木马,放弃什么都愿意。
I'd give half my life for just one kiss. 我迄今的人生就在等待这个吻。
I'd give it to medical research. 我会用于医学研究。
I'd gladly put my reputation on the line for you. You're my closest friend. 我愿意为你搭上我的名誉。你是我最好的朋友。
I'd glue a small magnet to the top blind slat and use a Hall effect sensor attached to the frame to determine when the blinds were fully open or closed. 我会把一个小磁铁黏到百叶窗最上面的叶板,并且在窗框上放一个霍尔感测器,用以判断百叶窗是要全开或是关上。
I'd go along with you on that. 我和你看法一致。
I'd go along with you there. 在这点上我同意你。
I'd go for West Country, and not be more specific than that, but that's just my opinion, of course! 我不喜欢西部口音,这很确定,不过这当然只是个人观点!
I'd go for dress designing. 我喜欢服装设计。
I'd go to the ends of the earth to see her again. 哪怕走遍天涯海角,我也要再次见到她。

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