Equipment may also be part of a fixed installation.
设备也可以是固定机组的一部分。 |
Equipment measure, gage, test, inspect or otherwise examine items to determine compliance with speci-fications.
量度及测试仪器所有量度、测试、检查或其他有关仪器以确保符合规格的要求的仪器。 |
Equipment must be suitable for the job.
器材必须适合于工作需要。 |
Equipment operation is controlled by the computer inside central control room or by PLC under automatic mode.
在中控室的终端机上控制设备连续运行或由PLC控制自动运行。 |
Equipment shall be constructed so that surfaces that contact components, in-process materials, or drug products shall not be reactive, additive, or absorptive so as to alter the safety, identity, strength, quality, or purity of the drug product beyond the
接触组分、中间产物或者药品的设备表面必须不和药物反应,没有异物脱落,不吸附药物,以确保不改变药物的安全性、同一性、活性、质量或纯度,使其不满足官方或者其他既定要求。 |
Equipment should be tested and maintained for proper operation on a regular basis.
爲确保设备的正确使用,应做定期的测试与维护。 |
Equipment that applies Human Body Model electrostatic discharges to a component.
对一个元件使用人体模型静电放电的设备。 |
Equipment used to produce such a graph or tracing in facsimile transmission.
传真电报机传真通信中用以制作这样的图表或映描图的设备 |
Equipment: box (plastic, wood or bamboo-made) with holes) I used tea leaves filter of my black tea set to make a tube-shaped tofu, and colander to make a balloon tofu.
工具的话,用塑料,木质,或是竹材料的,带小孔的筐子都可以派上用场。我连泡红茶的茶漏也使用的,或是漏勺。自己吃的,形状可以不必太讲究,当然了,若条件许可,还是可以买整套的豆腐工具,方便些,而且做出来的豆腐也比较美观。 |
Equipments of this type would make outstanding contributions to envioronmental purification and energy economization in the fields of controlling any kinds organic waste gases.
以低能耗为突出优点的本型设备,将在各种有机废气治理领域内为净化环境和节能作出卓越的贡献。 |
Equipped and furnished to a high standard.
家具配备高档,设施配备精良。 |