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This paper describes the automated Burris metal zero-length spring gravity meter produced by the Zero-Length Spring Corporation,USA,which is an upgrade of LaCoste & Romberg land meters.
美国零长弹簧公司(Zero-Length Spring Corporation)生产的贝尔雷斯(Burris)金属零长弹簧自动重力仪,是拉科斯特-隆贝格(LaCoste&Romberg)陆地重力仪的升级产品和重大改进。

This paper deals with the basic biology of woolly apple aphid Eriosoma lanigerum (Hausm. ) 苹果绵蚜Eriosoma lanigerum(Hausm.)
This paper deals with the relationship between metabolic changes of mate-rials and the germinaion of seeds(Robinia pseudoacacia L.& Pinus sylvest-ris L.) 本文研究了刺槐(Robinia pseudoacacia L.) 和樟子松(Pinus pylve-stris L.)
This paper deals with the status of D-garment design system both at home and abroad, which makes a review of technology of fabric drapery simulation. Meanwhile, it also predicts its prospects. 本文介绍了目前国内外三维 ( D)服装CAD技术现状和织物悬垂性的研究状况 ,并对 D服装CAD技术发展前景作了展望
This paper described the method of synthesis of o-carboxylphenyldiazoamino--phenyl--thiaole(CPDAPT)* and the colour reaction between the reagent and platinum has been studied. 介绍了新显色剂邻羧基苯基重氮氨基--苯基--噻唑(CPDAPT)的合成方法,并研究了在混合表面活性剂OP-SDS存在下,与铂显色反应的适宜条件。
This paper describes key Escrow interim system developed by the U.S government goes into on the SKIPJACK algorithm,encryption chip,system protection,operation security and chip programming. 描述美国政府开发的密钥Escrow中期系统,讨论SKIPJACK算法、加密芯片、系统保护、操作安全和芯片编程。
This paper describes the automated Burris metal zero-length spring gravity meter produced by the Zero-Length Spring Corporation,USA,which is an upgrade of LaCoste & Romberg land meters. 美国零长弹簧公司(Zero-Length Spring Corporation)生产的贝尔雷斯(Burris)金属零长弹簧自动重力仪,是拉科斯特-隆贝格(LaCoste&Romberg)陆地重力仪的升级产品和重大改进。
This paper describes the causes of being difficult in acceleration when starting the motor and "buzzing", excessive temperature rise of motor,heating and shrill of bearings,and their treatment method. 电机起动时加速困难且发出“嗡嗡”声和电机温升过高、轴承发热且有尖叫声的原因及处理方法
This paper describes the main parameters (roll force, roll torgue, fiexural roll-rigity) of a duo mill for cold rolling knurled aluminium sheet H=0.mm, B=00mm, △h=0.008 mm. 本文给出了二辊冷轧机轧制H=0.mm,B=00mm,△h=0.008mm轧花铝板的主要参数(轧制力,轧制力矩,弯曲刚度)。
This paper describes the morphological characteristies,adaptive conditions for growth, cultural practices andextraction method of Monarda fistulosa. 本文介绍香蜂草(Monardafistulosa)的形态特征,适生条件,栽培技术和加工方法。
This paper describes the quantitative determination of chlorpro mazine in analgin and chlorpromazine injection by dual wavelength spectrophotometry. 采用双波长法直接测定安热静注射液中盐酸氯丙嗓的含量。
This paper describes the synthesis technology of 000g InP every run in the high Pressure puller. 介绍了在高压单晶炉内每次直接合成000g InP的新工艺。

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