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Depending the Pneumatic delivers to torque, the construction is simple, make and installing the technique request to be low, thermolysis would be better to not as good as ventilated type, the Pneumatic capacity is bigger, the aeration and deflate time lon

Depending on who he is talking to, Harry can flip over from a cockney accent to a posh cultured one. 根据说话的对像,哈里可以从说伦敦方言突然转为说优雅而有教养的语言。
Depending on your country of residence, you will be able to make withdrawals by cheque, bank transfer or member wire. 汉语翻译:取决于你的居住国,你将能用支票收回,银行间的转帐或者成员电线。
Depending on your desire to play with this embouchure, you will experience difficulty in playing throat F, and high C. 取决于你对使用这个口型的热切程度,你会经历一段时间难以演奏鼻音F和高音C。
Depending on your extrasensory abilities, those friends or relatives who have passed onto the other side will be able to communicate with you. 依你的超感觉能力,已经离开到另一边的那些朋友或亲戚将能够与你沟通。
Depending our experience,these handicraft had a good sells in japan. 根据我们的经验,这些手工艺品在日本销路很好。
Depending the Pneumatic delivers to torque, the construction is simple, make and installing the technique request to be low, thermolysis would be better to not as good as ventilated type, the Pneumatic capacity is bigger, the aeration and deflate time lon 靠气胎传递扭矩,结构简单,制造、安装技术要求低,散热条件不如通风型,气胎容积较大,充气、放气时间较长,容易打滑。
Depending upon certain conditions there may ornot may be f ree elect rons in semi - conductors. 半导体是否存在着自由电子,这取决于某些条件。
Depending upon the audience that your organisation is trying to target, and the timeliness of a subject matter, you can choose to sponsor a series of e-newsletters that The Asian Banker can send to a select readership who would be interested in the topic, 据贵机构所期望所针对的目标受众和关于特定主题事件的时间进度表,您可以选择赞助一系列亚洲银行家电子新闻,锁定对该主题有浓厚兴趣的读者群,并且把您的讯息通过新闻覆盖包装推出。
Depending upon the game, pathfinding that is too good can be unrealistic. 依赖与游戏,那样的寻路太好了反而不够真实。
Depending upon the severity of the accident, there can also be significant business interruption losses, up to and including total loss of facility. 事故的严重性,也能造成直接经营损失,甚至可能造成整个生产设施瘫痪。
Depending upon the strong technical team,and by technical development,the company will do its best to make the satisfied and competitive products.The company will supply the good quality service to win bright future. 公司以雄厚的技术力量为依托,不断创新,致力于制造客户满意、有市场竞争力的产品,更好更快地提供优质服务,共同创造美好未来。

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