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Females in the same reproductive stage—lactating mothers with foals, for example—may temporarily move and forage together.

Females fart just as much as males, though on the whole less extravagantly. 尽管从整体而言女性放屁较少,但实际上女性放的屁其实跟男性一样多。
Females from both populations preferred males viewed through the UV-transmitting partition. 在紫外线照射的环境下,2只母鱼较为喜欢打探公鱼。
Females generally are smaller than males. 母猫一般比公猫小。
Females give birth to litters of two to six cubs, which they raise with little or no help from the male. 雌虎在干草或落叶堆里生产2-6头小崽,抚育工作依赖极少或者完全不依赖雄虎的帮助。
Females had an oerall 3% lower mortality than males. 女性的死亡率比男性患者低3%。
Females in the same reproductive stage—lactating mothers with foals, for example—may temporarily move and forage together. 同一繁殖阶段的雌驴,例如同为哺乳期需要照顾驴仔的雌驴,也会暂时在一起活动觅食。
Females live long enough to tend fastidiously to their eggs, but they do not eat during this months-long brooding period, and usually die soon afterwards. 雌章鱼会专心照顾她们的蛋,在长达几个月的时间里不进食,而且通常过后不久就死去。
Females may NOT be physiologically able to reproduce; in particular, older females may be infertile. 母剑尾鱼可能不能生育,特别要指出的是,老年的母剑尾鱼可能会绝育。
Females may check out the feathers of a number of different males before deciding on a suitor. 雌性孔雀在选择配偶的时候会检查不同雄性的羽毛。
Females on the other hand are silver-bodied and a bit more elongated than males. 另一方面,雌鱼则展现为修长的体态和银质的体色。
Females with young foals often have to live farther away from water now, which means that fewer of the foals survive to replenish the population. 雌马和年幼的马仔现在被迫生活在离水源地较远的地方,意味著能够存活下来的子代数量变少,不足以维持族群原有的数量。

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