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A wildfire is raging out of control near Lake Tahoe forcing about 1,000 people to evacuate their homes.

A wild fire jump contained line in California came out with a half mile upon ranches. 野外大火在加州大牧场形成半里火线。
A wild giant panda's diet is almost exclusively (99 percent) bamboo. 一只野生的大熊猫食谱,它几乎(99%)只吃竹子。
A wild swan was found dead last week near the border with Croatia. 上星期在毗邻克罗地亚的地区发现一只野天鹅死亡。
A wild-looking old woman dressed all in green had waved merrily at him once on a bus. 一个放荡不羁、穿一身绿衣服的老太婆笑眯眯地向他招手。
A wildfire has burned more than 800 acres in downtown Los Angeles. Animals at the nearby city zoo were moved indoors and dozens of homes were evacuated. 在洛杉矶市中心附近,野火已在800余亩土地上蔓延开来.附近的市立动物园的动物也移到了室内,数十户人家已被疏散.
A wildfire is raging out of control near Lake Tahoe forcing about 1,000 people to evacuate their homes. 塔霍湖边一场野火来势汹涌,(少了人数哦)迫使人们逃离该地。
A wildfire is raging out of controling near Lake Tahoe,forcing about 1000 people to evacuate their home,at least 165 structures in the popular resort area have been destroyed,officials believe the fire was started by a human activity. 在安泰湖旁边的一场失去控制的大火迫使1000人从他们的家中疏散,在这个受人欢迎的胜地中至少有165座建筑物被摧毁,官方认为这场大火是人为的。
A wildfire that jumped containment lines in California came within a half mile of homes and ranches. 烈火越过加利福尼亚州的控制线来到了半里以外的居民区和牧场。
A wilful man will have his way. 顽强者定会成功.
A will needs the signature of the testator and two witness. 一份遗嘱需要立遗嘱人和两个证人的签字。
A will written on behalf of the testator shall be witnessed by two or more witnesses, of whom one writes the will, dates it and signs it along with the other witness or witnesses and with the testator. 代书遗嘱应当有两个以上见证人在场见证,由其中一人代书,注明年、月、日,并由代书人、其他见证人和遗嘱人签名。

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