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It will then mark the connection as closed and stop the thread assigned to the connection.

It will take you forward into the 21st century and you won't need to check your tracks in a rearview mirror. 它将带你迈向21世纪,而无须从观后镜中回首以前的轨迹。
It will take you forward into the 21st century without having to check your tacks in a rearview mirror. 这种生活将带你迈进21世纪,而你无需从后视镜里检查你留下的轨迹。
It will take you half an hour to get to the station, allowing for traffic delays. 把路上的耽搁算进去, 你要用半小时才能到车站.
It will tap into the collective expertise of member companies to develop, test and publish standards based OSS/BSS adapters and interfaces. 它将促使成员公司的专家集体去开发、测试和发布基于OSS/BSS适配接口的标准。
It will then be demonstrated how this Field and Widget can be used in a Content object. 然后示范在内容对象中是如何使用该域和部件的。
It will then mark the connection as closed and stop the thread assigned to the connection. 它将会将这个连接标记为关闭,并且会停止有关这个连接的所有线程。
It will then outline current practices in the UK regarding the refinancing and restructuring of PFP and how some of the current application may go against lifecycle thinking. 报告还将简介英国进行项目二次融资和融资结构重组的目前做法,以及有关做法对项目全生命期内可能产生的不利影响。
It will track indicators such as heavy foreign-exchange intervention and “fundamental exchange rate misalignment” in order to identify countries that are unfairly manipulating their currencies. 它将追踪如“严重的外汇干预”和“基本面汇率偏差”这样的指数,以此来确认那些不正当操纵自己货币的国家。
It will visually connect with the old city and also mark the very center of this new Di Dang New Town district. 它与旧城形成了视觉连接,标志了迪荡新城真正的中心地带。
It will watch all emails to verify that the attachments are safe for opening. 它会监视所有电子邮件,以确认该装置是安全启用.
It will, they say, protect the fortunes of corrupt officials and the ill-gotten gains of crooked businessmen. 他们称,该法律会保护贪腐官员的财产与不义商人的不当所得。

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