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Never mind that mistake; it doesn't signify.

Never mind about that. 这没关系。
Never mind gravel tuning, I'm ready to throw the bow into the driveway and back over it with my truck! 拿石子儿搞搞它路子也行啊,我就把这弓扔马路上,拿我的货车来回压!
Never mind if they're wounded, Hydras are capable of regeneration and in no time at all they'll be as good as new, straining on the leash. 不用担心它们会受伤,九头蛇能够再生,不用多久它们就会像新的一样了。
Never mind that by pitching the Yankees to an 8-1 victory over the Mariners, Wang provided them with a huge lift, with his turn falling between Friday night's 15-11 debacle and the emergency starts that rookies Darrell Rasner and Matt DeSalvo will make th 他甚至顾不得去想,夹在前一天的15-11惨败,和明后两天皆由菜鸟紧急登版的不安之中,王建民凭著好投带领洋基以8-1大胜水手队,带给球队多大的鼓舞作用了。
Never mind that in Chinese music's teeny-bop hinterland, idol status is rather a result of a winsome smile than serious music. 在华人音乐的青少年世界里,偶像的地位藉由迷人的微笑来塑造,而非认真的音乐。
Never mind that mistake; it doesn't signify. 别再意那个过错,它不要紧。
Never mind that the author employs a ghost writer to write his books, and that most of the chapters are only two pages long, James Patterson's new series (after Alex Cross and the Women's Murder Club) [color=blue]bowls right along[/color]. 不必介意作者找人捉刀代笔,或是多数章节都只有两页的长度,继《亚力.克罗斯探案》和《女子谋杀俱乐部》之后,詹姆斯?帕特森推理系列的新书很快面世。
Never mind that the conclave is more than a kilometre away - and on the other side of the Huangpu river. 事实上,大会将在一公里以外召开,而且是在黄浦江对岸的浦东。
Never mind that the most forceful attempt to introduce this so far, in Georgia in 2002, ended in disaster. 目前最有说服力的尝试是2002年在乔治亚州的尝试,最终以失败告终。
Never mind the ballot box: vote with your supermarket trolley instead. 不用担心没有投票箱——用超市手推车“投票”就行。
Never mind the tortuous explanation; tell me in plain English, are you coming or not? 别转弯抹角地解释了,直率地告诉我,你来不来?

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