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Mr. Powell has heavily praised Egypt for trying to help build security groundwork for Israel\'s planned disengagement from Gaza and parts of the West Bank.

Mr. Potato Head: But we can't take out alot. 老白薯:可是我们不能取得太多。
Mr. Potato Head: I came in through that cellar. 老白薯:我从那面楼内地窖进来的。
Mr. Potato Head: Let's hurry up go back and write a script! 老白薯:我们赶快回去编剧呀!
Mr. Potato Head: We want to hire her to be our leading lady, how much will it cost? 老白薯:我们聘她作我们电影公司的女主角,多少钱?
Mr. Potato Head:Why can't I find my wallet? 老白薯:我的钱夹怎么不见了?
Mr. Powell has heavily praised Egypt for trying to help build security groundwork for Israel\'s planned disengagement from Gaza and parts of the West Bank. 鲍威尔先生高度地称赞埃及将致力于在以色列从加沙和西岸部分地区撤军后帮助建设安全基本保障。
Mr. Powell spoke to the reporters following the talks in the west bank city jiricl. he said American is very confirm in ending the conflicts between Israel and palestine. 鲍威尔会在西岸城市杰里科会谈后对记者说美国对结束巴勒坦和以色列的冲突采取的立场是非常坚定的。
Mr. Prime Minister*,I wish to thank you* for your remarkable* and eloquent speech. 我在外国从没听过演奏得这么好的美国音乐。
Mr. Putin calls his talks with the Japanese leader amicable, but says there are delicate matters, meaning the territorial dispute, that need to be discussed more thoroughly. 普金声称,他是本着友善的态度在与日方领导人进行交流的,但是,这里仍有一些细节问题,(即领土争端问题)仍需更彻底的讨论。
Mr. Putin calls his talks with the Japanese leaders amicable, but says there are delicate matters , meaning the territorial dispute that need to be discussed more [thoroughly ]. 普京先生称他与日本领导人的对话是友好的,但表示事态复杂,意味着领土争端仍需继续深入探讨。
Mr. Putin's statements were some of the strongest yet by the Russian president on the U.S. plans to deploy an anti-missile defense system in Poland and the Czech Republic. 普京说,一些国际组织的成员在任何情况下都拥有将自己的意志强加给所有人的信念,没有把自己的行为和通行的国际准则予以配合。

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