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Parliament appropriated two million pounds for flood control.

Parks was subjected to threats, misrepresentations and coercion, the family members allege in the complaint. 帕克斯女士的家族成员在申诉中辩称,帕克斯遭到过威胁、谣传、恐吓。
Parks' family members have said they started legal proceedings in December to protect her legacy. 帕克斯女士的家族成员声称,他们已经于去年12月开始提出法律诉讼以保护其遗产。
Parks' relatives have complained that the sale of extra copies of the obituary programs from her funeral cheapened her name. 帕克斯的亲戚申诉说,她葬礼讣告节目的多余拷贝的贱卖有损帕克斯的名声。
Parlayed some small investments into a large fortune. 成功地把一些小投资转变为一项大资产
Parlementaires are agents employed by commanders of belligerent forces in the field, to go in person within the enemy lines, for the purpose of communicating or negotiating openly and directly with the enemy commander. 军事使者为战场交战双方指挥官所指派,而为直接与该战场敌方指挥官沟通或交涉而跨越敌方的界线的代理人。
Parliament appropriated two million pounds for flood control. 国会拨款两百万英镑作为防治水灾之用。
Parliament election caused a strange broken up situation today in Italy.Berlusconi\'s center-right coalition and Prodi\'s center-left cartel were leg and leg.and the vote rate is 49.7% and 49.8%. 意大利议会选举今天出现前所未有的分裂局面,贝鲁科科尼领导的保守派联盟和普罗迪领导的中左联盟平分秋色,投票率为别是49.7%和49.8%.
Parliament has passed an Act forbidding the killing of rare animals. 国会通过了一项法令, 禁止捕杀珍稀动物。
Parliament has passed an Act forbidding the killing of rare animals. 国会通过了一项法令,禁止捕杀珍稀动物。
Parliament has recently passed a law about abortion. 国会最近通过一项有关堕胎的法律。
Parliament has yet to approve renewed funding for Italy's contingent in Afghanistan and as many as three senators could abstain on that. 国会也仍然没有同意重新对划拨军费给意大利驻阿富汗军队,而且那三位参议员随时可以投弃权票。

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