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The goal is high, but it is not unattainable.

The gmdate() function formats a GMT/UTC date/time. 函数的作用是:格式化一个GMT/UTC日期/时间。
The gmstrftime() function formats a GMT/UTC time or date according to locale settings. 函数的作用是:根据区域设置格式化GMT/UTC时间/日期。
The gnarled, bearded features of Homer are dear to me, for he, too, knew blindness. 我看到那荷马的长满胡须、节瘤众多的面部雕像感到无比亲切,因为他也是盲人。
The goal establishment of talent training, teacher training for practice teaching activities, improvement of infrastructure and basic conditions for practice teaching, and strengthening management of practice teaching are discussed. 文章从人才培养目标定位、实践教学师资队伍建设、实践教学基础条件建设、规范实践教学管理等方面展开论述,对一般高校加强实践教学环节建设具有借鉴意义。
The goal in soccer, hockey, and lacrosse. 球门足球、曲棍球和长曲棍球的球门
The goal is high, but it is not unattainable. 这目标很高,但并不高不可攀。
The goal is marked by vertical posts, a crossbar, and nets, as in soccer and hockey. 就像在足球和曲棍球中一样,水球的球门也由垂直标杆,一根横竿和球门网组成。
The goal is not to completely lose your accent, but to make certain that pronunciation is not an obstacle to your being widely understood. 我们的目标不是让你完全失去自己的口音,而是不要让发音成为你交流的障碍。
The goal is now to destroy the other team's Titan, which is a floating aircraft carrier/battleship defended by a powerful energy shield. 目的是要摧毁敌方的泰坦,也就是由强大的能量盾防护的海上航空母舰/战舰。
The goal is to apply the techniques used for manufacturing transistors to mass-produce a battery that can be built in with the other circuitry on a chip. 他们的目标是运用制造电晶体的技术,大量生产能跟其他电路做在同一块晶片上的电池。
The goal is to broaden the tax base, not to increase the tax burden on those (mainly the salaried middle-class) who already pay taxes. 改革的目标是放宽计税基数,而不是对对以中层收入的纳税人增加纳税负担。

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