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I hear Bill has had to go to hospital. He was as right as rain when I saw him yesterday morning.

I haven’t touched that module in weeks! 我已经好几个礼拜/天/月没碰那一段程式了。
I hawe already told you that don't fidll with my thing. 我早已经告诉过你--不要乱动我的东西!
I headed him off quarre*** with his colleague. 我阻止他和他的同事发生争吵。
I headed him off quarreling with his colleague. 我阻止他和他的同事发生争吵。
I headed off to college sure I was going to have an advantage over those students who went to big engineering “factories” where they didn't care if you have values or were flexible. 我就上了这样的大学,自以为比那些在工程“工厂”里的学生有更大的优势,在那里根本每人管里是否有价值观和灵活。
I hear Bill has had to go to hospital. He was as right as rain when I saw him yesterday morning. 我听说比尔已不得不进了医院,但我昨天早晨看见他时他还是好好的。
I hear Erdon's breath of relief - can this be true? I risk opening one eye - the silhouette was of a minotaur, a scout of Quenn Mutare. 我听到艾登的呼吸平静下来了——难道梦想成真了?我试着张开了一只眼睛——一个牛头人的侧像。他是摩丽尔女王的一个探子。
I hear a classmate behind me 8) giggle at his hair. 我听到坐我后面的同学咯咯地笑著他的发型。
I hear a preacher announce for his text and topic the expediency of one of the institutions of his church. 我曾经听一位传教士宣称,他的讲稿和主题都取材自他的教会的某一规定。
I hear about your company quite often. 我常常听说贵公司。
I hear from an authority that this disease is curable . 我听一位权威人士说,这个病能治好。

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