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The unique interpretation of the object-support in Cheung Wei Shih Lun not only distinguishes direct with indirect, but also goes further to re-divide the remote object-support, according the origination, into the same portion and different portion, that

The unique features of the Newar Buddhism and validity of its monasticism is analysed in this article. 尼瓦佛教独一无二的特征与僧团的特点将会在本文内分析。
The unique features of the Security Council have enabled it to continue to play a pivotal part in the future world configuration. 安理会的独特性使它在未来的世界秩序中能够继续发挥重要作用。
The unique formula is highly compatible with skin, can provide deeper moisturizing into the basal skin layer, effectively improve the skin metabolism, activate skin tissues and cells, isolate sunshine and polluted air durably, effectively deactivate tyros 能迅速渗透,软化角质层,保护手足肌肤,柔嫩润泽,防止肌肤干燥、冻疮、粗糙等现象産生,与肌肤有更高的亲和性,滋养达致皮肤基底层,有效改善肌肤的新陈代谢,活化皮肤组织的细胞,持久阻隔阳光辐射和污染空气的侵害,有效抑制酪胺酸酶的活性,抵御色斑素的形成,温和平复皮肤干纹、幼纹、深层润白呵护,令肌肤再现嫩丽可人的神采。
The unique gases and nutrient-enriched soil of Zangarmarsh have given rise to a wondrous, diverse wetland ecology. 弥漫的瘴气、富含营养的土壤赋予了赞加沼泽奇特而又多变的生态环境。
The unique individuality of Xiao Hong's prose is characterized by her proper material-drawing, requisite details and the elegant language. 取材的以小见大、细节的精当和语言的清丽则组合成萧红散文独特的书写个性。
The unique interpretation of the object-support in Cheung Wei Shih Lun not only distinguishes direct with indirect, but also goes further to re-divide the remote object-support, according the origination, into the same portion and different portion, that 摘要《成唯识论》对所缘的特殊诠释不单在于提出亲、疏之分,且进一步把疏所缘依其来源再分为同聚、异聚,即自己与他人两类。
The unique novelty and nobly-built products demonstrate alien styles in Europe and America. 先进的铸造技术,独特的加工方法,打造出精品产品。
The unique pattern groove design gives this tire a permanent use property with a good anticracking performance. 独特的花纹沟底设计,赋予该款轮胎优良的抗裂口和持久使用性能。
The unique problems of SAR scene matching are analyzed. 分析了合成孔径雷达景象匹配实时成像处理的特殊问题。
The unique product design,soft nature;Bamboo Charcoal with super adsorption,adsorption odor to keep the air fresh.far infrared effects of the electromagnetic wave can be stopped radiation,can promote blood circulation and remove brain fatigue. 本产品独特的设计,本质柔软;竹炭具有超强的吸附性,可吸附各种异味,保持空气清新;远红外线效应可阻隔电磁波的辐射,可促进血液循环,消除脑部疲劳。
The unique relief valve construction incorporates two channels: one for air, one for water. 独特的安全阀结构,具有两个渠道:一个用于空气,一个用于水。

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