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A: Do you have a chance to renegotiate with Bill?

A: Do you ever make up in public? 你在公共场所化过妆吗?
A: Do you ever sing in the bathroom? 你有在浴室唱过歌吗?
A: Do you friends call you Bob? 你的朋友们是不是都叫你鲍勃?
A: Do you happen to have any mint or chewing gum on you? My breath is bad. 你现在身上有没有薄荷糖还是口香糖的?我有点口臭。
A: Do you have (health insurance/ life insurance/ dental insurance)? 你买了(医疗保险/人寿保险/牙齿保健)吗?
A: Do you have a chance to renegotiate with Bill? 你有机会跟比尔再次协商吗?
A: Do you have a confirmation voucher? 请问你有没有确认单据?
A: Do you have a good English-Chinese dictionary? 你们有好的汉英词典吗?
A: Do you have a good travel agency that you use? 你有跟哪家好的旅行社往来吗?
A: Do you have a milliner, can I meet him? 你们有女饰设计员吗?我能见见他吗?
A: Do you have an E-mail address? 你有电子邮件地址吗?

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