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Lee, Mei-Hsien (1995), “The Adoption of Morality Policy in the American States.” Ph.D. Dissertation. West Virginia University, Morgantown, West Virginia, USA.

Lee, C.S., Tsai, C.F., Chung, S.L. and SPOT Member, 1998, Active interaction of submarine volcanoes and ocean current in the Southernmost Part of Okinawa Trough. AGU Fall Meeting. 李昭兴、蔡庆辉、锺孙霖,1998,海底火山、地震和洋流的交互作用:SPOT地区。中国地球物理年会,487-496页。
Lee, J.C.K. “Pre-school environmental education in Hong Kong: An exploratory study.” Australian Journal of Environmental Education (Australian Association for Environmental Education), vol. 17, pp.25-33. 2001. 李子建《学习困难补偿与辅导教育:寻找《改革方案》的理论基础》,37页。香港:香港中文大学教育学院香港教育研究所,2000。
Lee, Joseph S. (2005). Recent Developments in Taiwan's Economy and Its Labor Market”, paper presented at the Workshop on International Migration and Labour market in Asia, 2005, Tokyo, Japan. 李诚(2004).「外籍劳工在台湾经济发展中的角色」,外籍劳工政策研讨会,中央研究院经济研究所主办。
Lee, Kai N. The Columbia River Basin: Experimenting with Sustainability.In Debating the Earth, pp. 96-109. 哥伦比亚河盆地:永续性实验〉见《地球的争辩》96-109页.
Lee, L. L., Molecular Thermodynamics of Nonideal Fluids, Butterworths, Boston, 1988. 胡英,《流体的分子热力学》,高等教育出版社,北京,1982。
Lee, Mei-Hsien (1995), “The Adoption of Morality Policy in the American States.” Ph.D. Dissertation. West Virginia University, Morgantown, West Virginia, USA. 李美贤,(民78.6),“中华民国增额立法委员政治角色之研究”硕士论文,国立政治大学。
Lee, Ming Jen。2000。Effect of VAM fungi on growth and root-knot resistance of Taiwan Paulownia. Proceedings of XXI IUFRO World Congress. PP.378. 李明仁,苏碧华,王露仪1998囊丛枝菌根菌对台湾泡桐根瘤线虫之效应.中华林学会87年会特刊p.63.
Lee, Ming Jen。2000。Impact of pine wood nematode on pine forest sustainability in Taiwan. Proceedings of XXI IUFRO World Congress. PP.407. 李明仁。1998。台湾赤杨之遗传变异。两岸林木种原交流研讨会论文集台湾省林业试验所林业丛刊第88号PP.107-112.
Lee, S-M., Lee, C.-Y., and Gee, M.-J. (1999). Estimating survival rate for extended Ricker's two-release method. 苏奕彰,李燊铭,蓝忠亮,林健蓉,林昭庚,马光亚.(2005).系统性红斑狼疮患者中医阴虚证型分群指标之研究.投稿至中国医药学院杂志(修订中).
Lee, Shang-Hou (2003). The strategy of knowledge Innovation and organization learning. Pp62-80. The 2003 International Conference on Workforce Education and Development. November 18-19. National Taiwan Normal University. College of Technology. Taipei, Tai 李声吼,(2003)。社区发展与人力资源开发之探讨。发表于「社工与教育科技整合国际研讨会」。92年12月22日。屏东:屏东科技大学社会工作系。
Lee, Shun-Cheng,1990,06, Trade Liberalization and the Development of Poultry Sector in Taiwan, paper presented at the Conference on Negotiations Subgroup of the PECC Task Force on Agricultural Policy, Trade and Development, June 3 - 7, Bangkok, Thailand. 李顺成,1992,06,练气与新休閒文化,行政院文化建设委员会主办休閒文化新方向,研讨会,大会报告研讨主题,国立政治大学公企中心,民国八十一年六月二十七日至二十八日。

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