Bias is the of basic tendency Ming Dynasty politics domain morals life.
摘要偏执,是明代政治领域道德生活的基本倾向。 |
Biathlon was added to the Winter Olympic Games in nineteen sixty.
1960年冬奥会增加了冬季两项这个赛事。 |
Biber,D.et.al.1999.Longman Grammar of Spoken and Written English [M].Beijing:Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press.
何善芬,2002,英汉语言对比研究[M].上海:上海外语教育出版社. |
Bibi: Him? He thinks I'm still a virgin!
达碧碧:他?他还以为我仍是处女呢! |
Bibi: One of the porters is a fan, he'll do anything for me... and I'll do anything for you!
达碧碧:其中一个门房是我的拥趸来的,他会为我做任何事……而我会为你做任何事! |
Bibi: That's a laugh. Everybody knows it builds up muscle tone.
达碧碧:真可笑。所有人都知道它可强化肌肉。 |
Bible is the canon of Christianity and its translation has gone along with the spreading of religious doctrines.
摘要《圣经》作为基督宗教的原典,其翻译是伴随着该宗教在中国的传布而发展的。 |
Bible provides, is precisely what our world needs. People need comfort, hope, pure and the pleasant words from Bible, and find good news of Christ's salvation.
并不是每一个读上帝话语的人都会回归基督,耶稣在撒种的比喻中明白地指出这一点(路加福音8章4~15节)。我们要播种上帝话语的种子,但我们无法决定谁会接受它,我们的职责是撒下种子。 |
Bible tells us that Salvation is found no one else.
圣经说,除他以外,别无拯救。 |
Bible was really a marvelous book!
圣经所提供的,正是我们的世界所需要的。 |
Bibliographic references are held to a minimum because most of the concepts have been discussed in great detail in previous chapters.
参考文献被压缩到最少,因为前几章已经详细的讨论了大多数概念。 |