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A rocket can bring back information which we could never get in any other way.

A robust, well-structured Pinot Noir that should continue to develop with cellaring. 丹宁酸的支撑使该酒的架构十足,酒体醇厚。
A rock divided into two parts guards the mouth of gorge, with a red heart carved on the rock, which is another moving story. 一分为二的岩石把守着谷口,石壁上刻着一颗红心,这又是一个精美的传说。
A rock fragment between4 and64 millimeters(0.16 and2.51 inches) in diameter, especially one that has been naturally rounded. 水晶石石英断片,直径4到64毫米(0。16到2。51英寸),尤指天然圆形的石英颗粒
A rock is an inanimate object. 石头是无生命的物体.
A rock solid defence, where Ricardo Carvalho proved his standing as one of the World\'s finest central defenders, and Miguel announced himself as a full-back of the very highest order. 一个坚如磐石的后卫,卡瓦略证明了他是世界上最好的后卫之一,而米格尔也向人们证明了他是一个全能的球员。
A rocket can bring back information which we could never get in any other way. 火箭能够带回我们用其他方法得不到的资料。
A rocket carrying two Chinese astronauts blasted off Wednesday from a base in China's desert northwest, returning the country's manned space program to orbit two years after its history-making first flight. 载有两名中国宇航员的火箭周三在中国西北沙漠基地点火起飞,这是自中国历史上第一次载人飞行两年后再一次回到空间计划的轨道上来。
A rocket manned by trained astronauts will launch soon. 载有受过训练的宇航员的火箭马上就要发射了。
A rocket was fired at the moon. 火箭发射到月球上。
A rocking chair sold for $96,000. Rocking chairs were popular with the president to ease his severe back pain and were in all his homes. 一把摇椅卖到了9.6万美元。肯尼迪总统很喜欢摇椅,在他所有的住所里都可以见到这种椅子,因为躺在摇椅上有助于缓解他严重的背部疼痛。
A rocky moonlight in your arms. 一束摇动的月光在你的碧弯里。

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