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T: I'll choose one student of every group to the blackboard, I say the words, you draw out them on the blackboard.

T: I heard you had a typhoon recently. 听说你们这里最近有颱风?
T: I see. I will go and check. 我知道了,我会去检查核对一下。
T: I will ask one student to retell us the differences between British English and American English. 检查作业,教师让两名同学复述英式英语和美式英语的发音、拼写和表达方面的不同,巩固上节课所学内容。
T: I will bear in mind. 旅行者:我一定牢记在心。
T: I ’ll play the tape again. Please repeat after it and try to imitate the speaker's pronunciation and intonation. 教师再次播放录音带,并逐句要求学生跟著念,尽量模仿外国人发音及语调。
T: I'll choose one student of every group to the blackboard, I say the words, you draw out them on the blackboard. 趣味画图:每组选一名同学到黑板前,根据老师说出的单词画出图来,看谁画得最好。
T: I'll play the tape again. Please read after it and try to imitate the speaker's pronunciation and intonation. 教师再次播放录音带,并逐句要求学生跟著念,尽量模仿外国人的发音及语调。
T: I'll play the video tape twice. Look and listen carefully. 教师播放录影带两遍,要求学生注意看和听语调。
T: I'm fond of the shuttle cock, the seesaw and playing basketball. How about you? 我喜欢跳毽子、玩跷跷板和打篮球,你呢?
T: I've heard of a millionaire, billionaire, Bill Gates, a zillionaire6, but what's “Reallionaire”? 我听说过百万富翁、亿万富翁,还有像比尔·盖茨那样的超级富翁,但不知道什么是“完美富翁”呢?
T: In order to make for you to understand that every powerful country expand their armament, please look at stuff 3. 师:为了帮助大家了解当时列强扩军备战情况,请大家看一个材料。

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