NASA plans to use the newly arrived Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, or MRO, to take a picture of Global Surveyor to see how the failed craft is oriented relative to the sun for power and to Earth for communications.
美国宇航局计划在抵达火星侦察轨道器,使用最新或维修、以图画全球测量不出失败技工面向太阳相对地球通讯和电力. |
NASA recently released several of Chiao's Expedition 10 photographs. This gallery highlights a few of Chiao's own favorites from his six-month photo shoot in space.
美国宇航局日前公布了焦立中在国际空间站拍摄到的一些精美照片。这里为您展示的是其中一部分作品。 |
NASA says Discovery is in good shape even if a piece of fabric filler is still sticking out from some thermo tiles.
美国国家航空和宇宙航行局称尽管有一片结构填充物从隔热瓦片中伸了出来,但是发现号的外形依然良好。 |
NASA says it's not too concerned.
国家航空和宇宙航行局称还不能确定。 |
NASA says things even bigger than a spatula have been lost in space before.
美国国家航空航天局称以前丢过更大的仪器。 |
NASA scrambles to see if materials dangling from Discovery's belly may endanger the spaceshuttle during re-entry.
美国宇航局正忙于检查在发现号腹部摇晃不定的物体是否会在返航期间危及该太空船。 |
NASA tested ultrasonic leak detection devices in the years 1990 to 1992.
美国航空航天局(NASA)于1990至1992年鉴定并通过了使用超声波泄漏侦测技术。 |
NASA will consider whether astronauts must undergo preventive surgery, such as an appendectomy, to head off medical emergencies during a mission, and whether astronauts should be required to sign living wills with end-of-life instructions.
太空总署会考虑太空人是否要进行预防性手术,像割除盲肠,以防止出任务时出现紧急医疗情况,及太空人是否需签生前遗嘱,载明生命结束时对后事的安排。 |
NASA would also want a solar-sail launch to have science-based goals to refine models and to plan the next mission, Murphy explains.
墨菲解释道,NASA也希望太阳光帆的发射是基于科学目的来改良模型,并计画下一个太空任务。 |
NASA's Cassini spacecraft recently captured these images (taken in visible light [left] and infrared) of a massive hurricane-like storm at Saturn's south pole, the first such phenomenon ever spotted on another planet.
国家航空和宇宙航行局(NASA)的卡西尼与太空船最近拍到了这些图片(左图是可见光,右图是红外线),反映出土星南极一次巨大的飓风.这是首次在另外的行星上拍到类似画面. |
NASA's Odyssey spacecraft has detected large amounts of hydrogen on the planet.
美国国家航空航天局的“奥德赛”火星探测器在这个行星上发现了大量的氢。 |