The man had tried unsuccessfully to swat the insects toward the open window of his living room with a brush.
老汉在自家起居室曾用一把刷子将蜜蜂往窗外赶,但这招毫无用处。 |
The man has a meal and doesn't need a person to accompany before have no woman;After man have woman, even the woman is not hungry, the man also hopes the woman sit just across the street see an oneself be like a kid similar to eat with avidity, the man fe
男人在没有女人之前,吃饭不需要人陪;男人有了女人之后,即使女人不饿,男人也希望女人坐在对面看者自己像小孩一样狼吞虎咽地吃,男人觉得这是一种幸福。 |
The man has a red cape.
这人有一件红色的斗篷。 |
The man has definitely heard what Tao Zi said. He turns his head back and gives a fierce glare at them.
那个男人已经听到了陶子的话,回顾头来,恶狠狠地看了他们一眼。 |
The man has reached middle age.
这人已到了中年。 |
The man has sinewy muscles.
那男子有着强壮有力的肌肉。 |
The man he chooses he will cause to come near him.
他所拣选的是谁,必叫谁亲近他。 |
The man heard a tremor in Reuben's voice and could tell he was close to tears.
(那人感觉到鲁本的声音在颤抖,知道他快要哭了。) |
The man hit at the boy with his fist,but it narrowly missed him.
这人挥拳朝男孩打去,但差一点,没打中. |
The man hit him sock in the eye.
那个男人一拳正好打在他的眼睛上。 |
The man ignored his neighbors' advice. He thought that since the sheep had been lost, there's no use mending the pen.
这个人听了邻居的话,心想:反正羊已经丢了,修羊圈有什么用呢? |