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Then, inevitably, someone cried, “On to Chinatown,” and the mob boiled out to look for victims.

Then, in the memorable words of Bill Joy, the chief scientist at Sun Microsystems and someone who has worried in print about the societal implications of proliferating nanobots, the future simply would not need us. 升阳电脑首席科学家乔伊,曾在文献中对奈米机器人繁殖的社会影响表示忧心,套用他那句值得大家记住的话,或许未来世界根本就不需要我们人类。
Then, in the process of writing, the theme can't be away from the point. Moreover, the audiences can get a distinct idea and a completely impress. 这样在写作过程中才能不偏离主题,观众看完后才能有清晰完整的印象。
Then, in the suddenly steadied glance fixed upon nothing from under a thoughtful frown, appeared the man. 随即,陡然从若有所思的蹙额下,无目标的定格的眼神中出现了人。
Then, in this situation the only alternate is to kill the process. 然后,在唯一的代理人要杀程序的这一种情形中。
Then, in what aspects are real estate bubbles represented? 那么,房地产业的泡沫表现在哪些方面呢?
Then, inevitably, someone cried, “On to Chinatown,” and the mob boiled out to look for victims. 在那样的时局,煽动群众对华人进行打击报复,以发泄对华人的仇恨,已经不可避免。
Then, inflation was rising in the US, the dollar was weak, housing was in trouble and the price of crude oil was coming back. 当时,美国通货膨胀加剧,美元贬值,房地产陷入困境而且油价回升。
Then, is how to do a proper glissando, do I need to move my jaw inward/outward to do a glissando? 然后就是怎样正确的演奏滑音,我需要将嘴唇内外移动来制造这个效果吗?
Then, it analyses the environment of building an electronic commerce system on an evolved basic frame of electronic commercial system. 然后,以进化的电子商务系统基本框架为模型,分析企业进行电子商务系统建设的环境。
Then, it considers the staging of Frank's trial, conviction, death penalty, commuted sentence and final lynching, each phase of the case presented as public spectacle. 本文认为,舞台上的法兰克案从裁决、定谳、死刑、减刑到最后私刑,每一步骤都充满吸引大众观看的戏剧张力。
Then, it describes the applications of intensity modulation fiber-optic sensor, interferometric fiber-optic sensor, fiber-optic grating and fiber-optic acoustic emission sensor. 同时,文章阐述了强度调制型光纤传感器、干涉型光纤传感器、光纤光栅和光纤声发射传感器的应用。

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