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After finding the direction of flow and center of the line, we bury copper wire perpendicular to its center.

After fifteen years as a barrister, she took silk. 她当了十五年的讼务律师之後,担任了御用律师。
After fifteen years as a barrister, she took silk. 她当了十五年的讼务律师之后,担任了御用律师。
After fifty years of ceaseless efforts, UESTC has taken on a brand new look, encouraged by the motto Strive for the excellent; never settle for the mediocre. 沧桑巨变,风雨彩虹,经过五十年的不懈努力,电子科技大学正焕发勃勃生机。
After final approval and clarification on technique, quality and commercial terms, and the first official order is running properly, hand over this supplier to logistics department. 在供应商最终确认批准后,即技术条款、质量标准及商务条款全部澄清后,将次供应商转交给物流部管理。
After finally passing his teacher's exam, Miwa (Yukiyoshi Ozawa) devoted himself to teaching in a rustic primary school. 充满教学热诚的三轮元老师(小泽征悦饰)来到一所乡村小学,顽劣的学生、古板的学校政策和无理取闹的家长,令他非常头痛。
After finding the direction of flow and center of the line, we bury copper wire perpendicular to its center. 在知道了流动方向和能线中心后,我埋设了垂直能线中心的铜线。
After finished pot, water is necessary, there is not kept water too much, which could be destroy the roots for more water in the pot. 栽好后马上浇透水一次,以后看盆土干湿情况浇水,因为牡丹是肉质根,盆土不太宜湿,浇水过多,盆土长时间过湿,还会烂根。
After finishing bottom they had to win a play-off against Small Heath (now Birmingham City) to stay up. 联赛结束俱乐部在联赛排最后,必须赢得一场与斯摩希斯(现伯明翰城)的季后赛才可保级成功。
After finishing high school, Liu went to university. 高中毕业后,刘玉玲进入大学。
After finishing high school,he went to college and then became a teacher. 中学毕业后他上了大学,后来当了教师。
After finishing his work, he went on to help us. 干完他的工作,他接着帮我们干。

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