However, by textual research and comparison between the two Chinese translations and The Fabric of Andreas Vesalius (1514~1564), the author finds that the two translations reflect the anatomic system of Vesalius.
文章分析了两部译著的文本内容,认为这两部书都不是完整的解剖学著作,二者合起来才构成一部完整的西方解剖学著作。 |
However, by the time a lightning strike has traveled through the distribution network, surge arrestors will have dissipated a proportion of the charge, network impedance will have shaped the impulse and the residual energy can be represented in terms of i
然而,雷击经过电力网络进行传送以后,避雷放电器会将一部分能量泄放掉,网络的阻抗也会对电涌进行修整,而残余的能量将可以以它的波形来体现,其峰值电流也就是建筑物进入端将会出现的情况。 |
However, by using quanxuepian as the main clue, we find that their cultural relationship on reformation was very unique, which is searching for move agreement with the existence of more disagreementin the big climate of saving the state's crisis.
深入考察张之洞的代表作《劝学篇》发现,在“救时”的大局下,在《时务报》时期,“求大同存大异”是张之洞处理与后者关系的准则,这使他与后者之间保持着既合作、认同,又矛盾、冲突的独特文化关系。 |
However, can further scientific advance help the world solve the problem of future food supplies?
但是,人类是否能进一步借助科技进步来解决世界未来的粮食供应问题呢? |
However, careful monitoring of the cats' behavior and minimizing the likelihood of fights is recommended.
所以建议小心的管理猫咪的行为与打架的可能性. |
However, caution must be exercised to avoid extremely close throttling when pressure drop exceeds 20%.
但是,必须注意的是避免在压降超过20%的情况下进行极端关闭节流。 |
However, certain designated provisions of the Geneva Conventions of 1949 (see GC, art. 6; par 249 herein) continue to be operative, notwithstanding the termination of any antecedent hostilities, during the continuance of a military occupation.
无论如何,尽管在军事占领期间宣布终止之前的武装冲突,1949年日内瓦公约中部份特定条文(GC第6条、本汇编第249段)仍持续有效。 |
However, certain members of the project have come forward, and certain details of the personnel are available.
然而,计划的某些成员已经浮现,成员的某些详细资料是有用的。 |
However, checked from the legislation goal and the judicial practice request, this stipulation still has many problems.
然而,从立法目的及司法实务要求的视角出发,这一规定尚存在诸多问题。 |
However, citrinin, produced in the growth process of monascus, is a mycotoxin and will induce teratogenicity, carcinogenicity and mutagencity.
桔霉素是一种真菌毒素,作用的靶器官是肾脏,可以致畸、诱发肿瘤、突变等。 |
However, class reloading only applies to component classes.
可是,类的重载只被应用在组件类上。 |