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Conventional submersible non-clog pump motors are air-filled non-jacketed type designed to be cooled by convection heat transfer to the surrounding media.

Conventional programs overemphasize text and memorization and neglect practice. This costs companies millions of dollars annually in perpetual language-training programs that are ineffective. 传统的培训计划过分强调课本以及记忆,而忽略了练习。这使众多公司每年浪费了大量的资金来进行无效的语言培训。
Conventional salvage chemotherapies have been used with limited efficacy and significant toxicity. 常规的化疗补救方案效率有限并且毒副作用大。
Conventional sequencers evaluate about 1,000 base pairs at a time. 传统定序仪一次约只能评估1000个硷基对。
Conventional ship propulsion methods meet some limitations in ship development towards high-speed,large-scale and high-power.A new ship propulsion method,integrated hydraulic propulsion (IHP),was put forward to solve the problem.Then further research work 为解决船舶在向大型化、高速化方向发展时船舶主机设计困难,机舱布置不合理以及机动性能差等问题,提出了一种新型船舶推进方式,即船舶综合液压推进.给出了该推进方式的推进原理,通过工况配合特性曲线图,对其工况配合特性进行分析,对该推进方式的优缺点进行讨论并对其重要组件液压泵以及马达进行设计计算.结果表明船舶综合液压推进具有其独特的优点,是对现有船舶推进方式的有益补充.
Conventional strategies include baby bonuses, family benefits, extended maternity and paternity leave and more flexible working schedules for mothers. 传统的策略包括婴儿奖金津贴、家庭补贴、孩子父母的延长休假以及孩子母亲更有弹性的工作时间表。
Conventional submersible non-clog pump motors are air-filled non-jacketed type designed to be cooled by convection heat transfer to the surrounding media. 一般的潜水无堵塞泵电机是风冷、无加套结构设计,由周围介质的对流传热进行冷却。
Conventional techniques appear incredibly wasteful. 传统的制造工艺显得惊人的浪费。
Conventional thinkers make either-or choices. Integrative thinkers refuse to accept conventional options. 答案:>传统的思想者作两者择一的选择。统合的思想者拒绝接受传统的选项。
Conventionality is not morality. Self-righteousness is not religion. 习俗不不等于道德,自以为是也不是宗教。
Conventionally the power capacitors were manufactured the way their wound cores should be heated and dried in a vacuum drying vessel first, and the cores should be pressed into capacitor shells, then all the unfinished capacitors were put into a vacuum pr 摘要传统的电力电容器的生产工艺是将芯体元件卷绕后,先在真空干燥罐内进行加热和真空干燥,然后将芯体元件压装到电容器壳内,再在另一台真空压力浸渍罐内进行真空压力浸渍。
Conventionally, marketing objectives relate to sales, membership, and/or market share. 一般来说,市场营销目标和销售额、会员人数、和/或市场份额等相联系。

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