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People on the barge looked rather happy.

People often speak of him. →He is often spoken of. 他经常给提到。
People on Earth watched Yang Liwei's space flight on TV. 地球上的人们看到了杨利伟的太空飞行。
People on high incomes face a huge tax burden. 高收入的人面临着沉重的纳税负担。
People on servers or server admins can't get you banned on all VAC enabled servers. 服务器中的玩家和管理员都不能使你被全部使用VAC的服务器封禁。
People on shore might grasp the instant irony of a man jogging to prolong his life around weapons capable of destroying two hundred cities. 在岸上生活的人们可能立即会发现其中的讽刺意味:一个人围绕着足以摧毁二百座城市的武器慢跑,借以延长自己的生命。
People on the barge looked rather happy. 游船上的人们看上去很高兴。
People on the platform were waving handkerchiefs and blowing kisses to their friends as the train left the station. 列车开离车站时,月台上的人不停地向他们的朋友挥手帕,送飞吻。
People on the road often want to use their portable electronic equipment to send and receive telephone calls, faxes, and electronic mail, read remote files, login on remote machines, and so on, and do this from anywhere on land, sea, or air. 走在半路上的人们经常想要用他们随身携带的电子装备发送或者接受电话、传真、和电子邮件,阅读距离自己很远的文件,登录遥远的机械设备,等等,并且想在陆地上、海上和空中的任何地方都可以做到这些。
People on the road often want to use their portable electronic equipment to send and receive telephone calls, faxes, and electronic mail, surf the Web, access remote files, and log on to remote machines. 在路上,人们常常想用他们的移动设备来发送或接收电话、传真和电子邮件、浏览网页、访问远程文件或登录远程机器。
People once believed that the spirits of the gods lived in trees. 从前人们详细神灵居住在树里。
People or companies suffering from property damages by the typhoon may be eligible for property tax relief or exemption, though they must apply within 15 days. 受著风颱造成财产损失耶个人抑是公司应该有资格减税抑是免税,毋恪艾伫十五工内申报。

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