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After four months of repair for damages caused by the Sept.21 earthquake, the Alisan forest train, the 3rd largest in the world, reopened today in the midst of cherry blossom.

After forty years in politics he finally bowed out. 他从政四十年之后,终于下台了。
After forty years of growth, it has become the world's largest private employer and retailer. 经过四十余年的发展,沃尔玛百货有限公司已经成为世界上最大的私营企业和最大的零售商。
After forty years teaching English he thinks it's time to call it a day. 他教英语四十年,认为该结束了(请退休了)。
After forum change the version, I am already dispirited and discouraged, also did not entertain to the forum what hope, legend has melt into nothingness, myth has over, stay to still have in the forum what mean? 自从论坛改版之后,我就已经心灰意冷,对论坛也没抱什么希望了,传说已经幻灭,神话已经终结,留在论坛还有什么意思?
After four days on the run, a Kentucky woman and her boyfriend are in police custody, accused of kidnapping her 9-month-old son from a social worker who was later found dead. 在4天的潜逃之后,一名肯塔基州的女子及其男友被警方监禁.他们被控绑架了一名社会福利工作者9个月大的儿子,而该工作者后来被发现已死亡.
After four months of repair for damages caused by the Sept.21 earthquake, the Alisan forest train, the 3rd largest in the world, reopened today in the midst of cherry blossom. 世界第三大耶阿里山火车伫九二一大地动歹去修理四月日了后今阿日恢复载郎客观光,赴樱花当咧开。
After four mostly lost seasons because of myriad foot problems, the Orlando Magic guard makes a triumphant return to the All-Star Game. 在受足伤困扰几乎缺席四个赛季之后,这位魔术队的后卫(注:原文如此)成功的回到了全明星赛中。
After four years in office Mr Wen has yet to announce any ideas for addressing one of the public's biggest concerns, namely the prohibitive cost of medical treatment for many urban and rural residents. 去年,政府对医疗保障的投入只占总支出的不到10%,在执政4年后,温总理提到,不管在城市还是农村,公众最关心的事情仍然还是飞速上涨的医疗费用。
After four years' development, the scale of Wuhan farm machinery exhibition expanded gradually, the grade of it increased year by year, the area of exhibition exceeded 10 thousand square meters. 经过四年的发展历程,武汉农机展规模逐步壮大,档次逐年提高,展览面积超过1万平方米。
After frequency juggling , an instrument might sound terrible when soloed by itself . That's Ok , the goal is that is work in the track. 让所有乐器听起来清晰以及把声音发挥到最好的方法就是让这些乐器就存在于他们自己所属的频率范围内。
After friends of mine landed at busy Newwark Airport, theywereunable to attract the attention of any porters to help withtheirluggage. 我的朋友们在繁忙的纽瓦克机场着陆后,他们却不能招呼到脚夫来帮他们搬行李。

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