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Indeed, much of Southern California, including the Baja Peninsula, will eventually migrate up the west coast to make Alaska even more gargantuan.

Indeed, many products allegedly freshly caught or at least locally caught are actually imported. 许多号称本港现流或是本土野生的海鲜,往往都是挂「土」头卖「洋」肉。
Indeed, many researchers now contend that the incipient river nourished a multitude of interconnected lakes in the continent's midsection before forging a direct connection to the Atlantic Ocean; this dynamic wetland produced ideal conditions for both aqu 的确,许多研究人员现在主张,在直通大西洋之前,早期的亚马逊河孕育了南美大陆中部许多相互连结的湖泊;这样动态的湿地系统,为陆栖与水栖生物营造了理想的繁衍环境,而且时间点比人们原先设想的要早。
Indeed, market flows throughout the week suggested heavy dollar buying by model and momentum-driven funds, suggesting much of the dollar's rally is technically induced. 事实上,从市场流通来看,有众多美元多头及趋势引导行为,表明反弹是受技术面影响。
Indeed, most of the game's action centers around the activities of the mouse. 事实上,游戏的绝大部分操作都集中在鼠标的行为上。
Indeed, most of them have had midweek games with internationals for a long time. 事实上,把国际赛亦计算在内的话,他们大部份一直都长时间需要在周中比赛。
Indeed, much of Southern California, including the Baja Peninsula, will eventually migrate up the west coast to make Alaska even more gargantuan. 没错,南加州大半地区,包括下加利福尼亚半岛,终将沿西岸北移,使阿拉斯加州成为巨无霸。
Indeed, myths have been called racial dreams. 事实上,神话一直被称为不同人种所做的梦。
Indeed, no copyrighted work would pass into the public domain until that year (and not even then, if Congress extends the term again). 实际上,不到2019年,受版权保护的作品都不能流入共享领域(如果国会再次延长保护时限,即使到了2019年,也是如此)。
Indeed, none of those who wait for You will be ashamed; Those who deal treacherously without cause will be ashamed. 诗25:3凡等候你的必不羞愧.惟有那无故行奸诈的、必要羞愧。
Indeed, not long ago residents here grew so angry that they blocked the road that passes through town by forming huge dirt mounds as a makeshift barricade against coal-bearing trucks. 不久前,越来越愤怒的村民,曾用障碍物堵住了道路,不让运送废弃物的卡车通过。
Indeed, on my first day in class, Teacher Xia explained to us that the way we should learn Chinese, is to understand each character fully, until the full meaning of the words reveals itself to us. 果然,我们的第一课,夏老师对我们讲,学汉语要“字字落实”,他不仅很仔细的把课文的一个一个字解释很清楚,也讲中国历史和思想,补充课文有关的地方。

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