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You can catch the overnight train.

You can carry multiple mounts. 玩家能够携带多个坐骑。
You can carry my words back to the others who whisper behind my back, and carry false tales of my treachery to the Dark Lord! 你可以把我的话转告给那些在背后议论我的人,可以把关于我叛变的不实之词汇报给黑魔王!
You can catch a fish at any age. 不管多大年纪,你都可以抓鱼。
You can catch a fish at my age. 不管多大年纪,你都可以抓鱼.
You can catch the bus at the terminal station. 你可以在终点站乘坐这辆公交车。
You can catch the overnight train. 你可以乘夜车。
You can change forms or ages and rejuvenate or kill. 您能改变人们的外貌或年龄也能拯救或毁灭他们。
You can change into a higher gear now you're going faster. 你既然已加快了速度, 就可以换上高挡了.
You can change the indicator to your own character pattern. 你可以更改指示器成为你自定义的字符图案。
You can change the thoughts that come into your mind by working with the Will to Act, and by having the intention to bring higher, more refined thoughts into your mind. 你可以运作行动意志的能量,并维持让更高、更细致的想法进入心灵的意图,来改变你心中的想法。
You can change the way your body looks by losing or gaining weight, trying a new hair style. 你可以通过减肥、增肥或者尝试新的发型来改变形体外观。

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