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Volvo also charges extra for metallic paint – bah.

Volunteers will be enrolled at community fundraising events throughout the U.S. 志愿者将会在全美国进行社区筹款活动。
Volunteers will be required to provide service on 13 August 2007 and attend all prior training sessions and ceremony rehearsals. 要求志愿者在典礼前参加培训并彩排,为典礼当天提供服务。
Volunteer:Welcome to ***,Mr.Smith! 史密斯先生,欢迎来到***!
Volver tells a story about three generations of women surviving madness, superstition and death through goodness, lies and vitality. 根据阿莫多瓦童年记忆改编而成,藉由母亲与三姑六婆间的真实八卦传说,描述女人间勇敢面对家庭、死亡和男人伤害的悲喜通俗剧。
Volvo S80 shoppers can choose between a new 3.2-liter inline six-cylinder engine with front-wheel drive and a 4.4-liter V8 engine with all-wheel drive. 沃尔沃S80的购买者可以选择两款发动机:一款是前轮驱动直列3.2升六缸发动机,一款是全轮驱动4.4升V8发动机。
Volvo also charges extra for metallic paint – bah. 沃尔沃对金属漆要另外收费——呸!
Volvocales, which includes many important groups, such as Chlamydomonas, is an important group in the evolution of green plants because some scientists think that green plants derived from green flagellates. 摘要包含许多重要类群的团藻目在绿色植物系统演化中占有十分重要的地位。
Von Dezember bis April stehen Ihnen 13 Aufstiegshilfen und 55km abwechslungsreiche Abfahrten auf schneesicheren Pisten zur Verfügung. 从12月到4月13日,有13条不同出发点的55公里长的上坡输送线可选用,将您置于安全跑道上。
Von learned how to be a plumber by attending a vocational school. 凡上了一所职业学校,学会了当管子工。
Vori is an isolationist nation. 凡里是一个与世隔绝的国家。
Vorontsov took his place in the center of one side of the long table, and wife sat opposite, with the general on her right. 而在他左边是一个优美、阴暗、红红润格鲁吉亚女子金光闪闪财宝,不断地与微笑.

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