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Firstly, they divided the country into shires, with shire courts and shire reeves, or sheriffs, responsible for administering law.

Firstly, the strain gauge method was used to measure the time difference of stress wave passing through two gauges adhered on the surface of test piece and also their main frequencies Secondly, a 3-component dynamometer was used to measure the resonant fr 本研究旨在研发两种新的应力波计测技术,其一为利用应变规来测定两标点间之应力波传递时间差及试材之共振频率,藉以计算试材之音速及动弹性系数,其二为利用三向动力计来测定试材之共振频率。
Firstly, there is the degree of tiredness players will suffer if they are playing high tempo football all match. 首先,如果球员在所有比赛里面都使用高节奏,那么球员会很容易疲劳。
Firstly, there were the power dressers. 其一,便是“体面扮相”。
Firstly, there's the problem of North Korea. 首先就是朝鲜问题。
Firstly, they can acquire advanced science and technology in developed countries, and then introduce them into China when they come back. 其次,西方高校的经济资助可以视为为中国训练专业人员的一条捷径,因为,作为一个发展中国家,中国还没有富到可以资助大批学生去国外学习。
Firstly, they divided the country into shires, with shire courts and shire reeves, or sheriffs, responsible for administering law. 首先,他们把国家划分为郡,郡法庭和郡法官、或行政司法长官负责执法。
Firstly, they only have one way to mark information. 首先,他们只有一种记下讯息的方式。
Firstly, this article analyzed the overall development of China's commodities residential market; secondly, residential market for commodities individual indicators analyzed in order to understand China's eastern, central and western commodity market diff 本文先总体分析中国商品住宅市场的发展,再利用商品住宅市场的单个指标进行分析,以了解我国东中西部商品住宅市场不同的发展状况,最后用聚类分析法对我国各省区的商品住宅市场进行分析,得出结论并提出政策建议。
Firstly, this paper analyzes the current land expropriation policy from four aspects: public interest, the standard of land compensation, the distribution of land compensation and the procedure of expropriation. 本文首先从公共利益、补偿标准、收益分配和征地程序四个方面分析我国现行征地制度的框架。
Firstly, this paper clarifies the similarities and differences among the nine most popular participant roles in English and in Chinese; secondly, it expounds the two hierarchies of thematic roles and the overlap of thematic roles; thirdly, it points out t 本文首先从汉语和英语两个不同的角度分析九种最常见的参加者角色的异同,接着阐明了参加者角色的两个等级结构以及角色重登现象,最后指出角色分析的重要性。
Firstly, this paper focused on ideal dynamic characteristics of poweplant mount and analyzed the different vibration isolation performances of rubber mount and hydraulic mount. 摘要首先对动力总成悬置的理想动特性进行了阐述,分析了橡胶悬置、液压悬置的动特性,比较两者的隔振特性。

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