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3. Combining the in silico cloning, RACE and RT-PCR method, the full-length cDNA sequence of PSMC1, PSMC4 and PSMC5 gene and the entire coding region of the PSMC2 and PSMD4 genes were cloned.
3.利用电脑克隆、RACE和RT-PCR的方法相结合,克隆了蛋白酶体激活因子PA700相关基因PSMC1、PSMC4和PSMC5共3个基因的全长cDNA序列,以及PSMC2和PSMD4基因的完整编码区(coding sequence,CDS)。 进行了蛋白质序列的推导和功能域的预测。

2. There exist the distinction of not only the percentage of Th and Tc cells, but also the production cytokines ability of T lymphocyte. 2.CA患者不但存在着Th、Tc细胞数量上的差异,从平均荧光强度分析可以看出,还存在着T细胞分泌细胞因子能力的改变,分泌Thl型细胞因子能力下降,而分泌ThZ型细胞因子的能力增高。
2. epirubicin and RNA , such as RNA Type Ⅲ, RNA Type Ⅵ systems; 2、RNA Type Ⅲ、RNA Type Ⅵ等核糖核酸与葸环类抗生素表柔比星(EPI)相互作用的反应体系;
23 elderly patients with multiple osseous metastases of cancer were treated with 153Sm-EDTMP, and pharmacokinetics studied. 应用~(153)Sm-EDTMP治疗老年骨转移癌患者23例,并进行患者体内药代动力学研究。
24 polymorphic primer pairs were selected from the 27 primer pairs by using the genomic DNA of 27 sweet cherry germplasm,and 24 locus-specific SSR markers were obtained. 最后,以27个甜樱桃种质的基因组DNA为模板,从27对可扩增出带的引物中,筛选出多态性引物24对,获得了24个甜樱桃基因座特异性SSR标记。
25(86%)cases underwent radical resection,4 (14%)cases of palliative resection. The overall postoperative complication rate was 13.7% (4/29). The liver function was recovered within 10 d; 行根治性切除25例(86%),姑息性切除4例(14%),并发症发生率13.7%(4/29),术后肝功能10d恢复正常。
3. Combining the in silico cloning, RACE and RT-PCR method, the full-length cDNA sequence of PSMC1, PSMC4 and PSMC5 gene and the entire coding region of the PSMC2 and PSMD4 genes were cloned. 3.利用电脑克隆、RACE和RT-PCR的方法相结合,克隆了蛋白酶体激活因子PA700相关基因PSMC1、PSMC4和PSMC5共3个基因的全长cDNA序列,以及PSMC2和PSMD4基因的完整编码区(coding sequence,CDS)。 进行了蛋白质序列的推导和功能域的预测。
3. DNA was extracted from peripheral blood leukocytes. 3.采集血液样本并提取白细胞和基因组脱氧核糖核酸(DNA)。
3. MLC in the Pca tissues increases along with the decreased cancer cell differentiation degree, associates with Pca TNM clinical staging and with or without lymphatic metastases, and these indicate MLC in Pca reflects the tumor biology behavior. (3)Pca组织中MLC随癌细胞分化程度的降低而增加,与Pca临床分期、有无淋巴转移有明显相关性,表明MLC在Pca中反映肿瘤的生物学行为。
3. Under optimum inducement condition (37℃, 0.3 mmol/L IPTG, 4 h), the content of recombinant protein could reach to 19% of total cell protein tested by Gene Genius Bio Imaging System. 3.最佳诱导条件为:0.3 mmol/L IPTG 37℃诱导4 h,表达量约占菌体总蛋白的19%。
3.The transcription of MC148 gene inserted into Ad-MC148 was confirmed by RT-PCR and protein SDS-PAGE . 经测定病毒滴度高达3.56X 10\PFU/ml卜三、经RT-PCR和病毒转染细胞上清蛋白提纯,证明腺病毒重组体Ad-MC 48中有MC148基因并且可转录及翻译表达。
449 stool specimens of outpatients with acute diarrhea of two hospitals in Wuhan were examined between October 1985-January 1986. RNA analysis method involving polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis was used. 1985年10月至1986年1月,在武汉市两所医院肠道门诊,收集了449例急性腹泻病人的粪便标本,用聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳方法进行核酸分析,结果发现75例婴儿轮状病毒RNA阳性,检出率16.70%。

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