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Help with my luggage and I”ll give you some candies.

Help us eliminate all acts of torture in Nepal. 帮助我们杜绝尼泊尔的各种暴政.
Help us help you by not contributing to the ISK selling industry. 不要对ISK贩卖作出任何贡献就等于帮助了我们并帮助了你们自己。
Help us remember, Lord. Amen . 上帝,帮助我们牢记吧,阿门。
Help us remember, Lord. Amen. 上帝,帮助我们牢记吧,阿门。
Help us, O God of our salvation, for the glory of thy name: and deliver us, and purge away our sins, for thy name's sake. 9拯救我们的神阿,求你因你名的荣耀,帮助我们,为你名的缘故,搭救我们,赦免我们的罪。
Help with my luggage and I”ll give you some candies. 帮我拿行李我就给你糖果吃。
Help your child understand the concept of cause and effect as way of developing his ability to express himself. 帮助孩子了解事情的因果关系,有助于培养孩子的表达能力。
Help yourself from the smorgasbord. 请随便用自助餐.
Help yourself to celery and carrots and other vegetables. 请吃一点芹菜、胡萝卜和别的蔬菜。
Help yourself to more fruit. 请自行取用多点水果。
Help yourself to some soup. 随便喝点汤吧。

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