The story follows Huck Finn as he helps Jim, a runaway slave, to escape along the Mississippi River.
故事随著小说主角哈克芬巧遇并帮助一名脱逃奴隶吉姆展开,并一起在密西西比河逃亡的过程。 |
The story follows the chain of events of five different characters and five different storylines that all converge to tell the story of murder and deceit.
电影里有5个角色,而分5个不同故事发展,但最后它们聚集一起,说出一个谋杀和欺骗的故事。 |
The story goes that Victor Herbert became aware of the need for protection of musical creators' copyrights and performance rights when he was in a hotel and he overheard someone performing a piece of music he'd written.
当维克多?贺柏特听到有些人没有经过他的允许,就公开表演他的作品时,他发觉有必要保护音乐创作人的著作权与表演权。 |
The story goes that during the Roman Empire, there was an incredibly beautiful maiden named Rhodanthe.
在罗马帝国时代,有一个名叫罗丹斯的美丽绝伦的少女。 |
The story goes that some time ago, a man punished his three-year-old daughter for wasting a roll of gold wrapping paper.
故事是这样的:一位父亲惩罚了三岁的女儿,只因为她浪费了一卷金色的包装纸。 |
The story happened in London.
故事发生在伦敦。 |
The story happens in a Beijing teahouse.
故事发生在北京的一个茶馆里。 |
The story has a certain bizarre interest.
这个故事听起来别有风趣。 |
The story has a happy ending.
这个故事有一个美满的结局。 |
The story has a strange twist in chapter 15.
故事情节在第十五章有了出乎意料的转折。 |
The story has a substratum of truth.
这故事有事实的基础。 |