Spell-Like Abilities: All abominations have access to a variety of spells in the form of spell-like abilities, which they can use as 20th-or higher-level casters, depending on the abomination.
憎恶可以拥有其所在规则内任何法术作为类法术能力,就是说只有你不会的,没有他不会的。。。 |
Spellbound, Narcissus reached down into the water and touch this person, but only felt the wet water.
纳瑟西斯著魔似地把手伸入水中,想触摸此人,却只感受到湿冷的水。 |
Spellhit rating :- Initially not important to your tanking, balance of power covers your spell hit requirements for normal instances and heroics.
法术命中等级:开始阶段不需要,能量平衡提供得法术命中,对于低级副本及英雄副本足够了。 |
Spelling and grammar errors can be the kiss of death for résumés: They show employers that you don't pay attention to detail.
简历中出现拼写和语法错误是很要命的:雇主通过这些错误得知,你并不关注细节。 |
Spelling, vocabulary, and rote recall of rules of grammar aren't tested. See sample questions or read tips &strategies.
拼写,词汇,机械式的语法背诵不在考试之内。见范例或阅读考试提示与技巧。 |
Spellings' spokeswoman, Katherine McLane, says Spellings has discussed the proposal with lawmakers.
斯佩林斯的发言人凯瑟琳?麦克莱恩说,斯佩林斯已和立法者们讨论过这项提议了。 |
Spells can now require either a totem item or a totem category item to cast a spell.
法术需要某一种物品或者某一类物品来施放。 |
Spells cast on other creatures, objects, or locations (not on you) are vulnerable to dispel magic as normal.
施放在其他生物,物品或地点(非施法者身上)的法术将可以由驱散魔法消除. |
Spells learned below level 20 will still receive substantially smaller bonuses.
20级以下学到的法术得到的奖励将更小。 |
Spells: A beholder mage gains the ability to cast arcane spells.
法术:眼魔法师获得施展奥法的能力。 |
Spells:In addition to its innate spell-like abilities , an aurak casts spells as an 8th-level sorcerer.It prefers evocation spells and illusions to help it disguise it self.
法术:除了天生的类法术能力,奥瑞克龙人如同8级的术士般施法。他更喜欢塑能系法术和可以辅助伪装自己的幻术。 |