I have to tell you that since he went off to college, Bill has turned into a real egghead .
他说:我得告诉你,比尔上了大学后,他真是变成了一个书生气十足的人。 |
I have to thank Marco and Jacky from Fuji for sending me to Japan. I think it was a great experience.
其馀时间我们在富士山区閒逛.惊喜的是日本郊区真的很像加拿大.大树,湖,露营区,人们钓鱼…东京也有很多超大建筑可看. |
I have to think about it quite hard before I find its faux homespun style annoying.
我也是颇费了一番功夫,才觉得这个故作朴素的词面目可憎。 |
I have to tidy my desk.
我必须清理一下我的桌面。 |
I have to tighten my belt these days.
这个月我不得不勒紧裤腰带过日子。 |
I have to tighten my belt this month.
这个月我不得不勒紧裤腰带过日子。 |
I have to tighten my belt this week.
这个星期我不得不勒紧裤腰带过日子。 |
I have to transfer to No. 11 bus, but where is the bus stop?
我需要换乘11路公共汽车,但是汽车站在哪儿? |
I have to transfer to No. ll bus, but where is the bus stop?
我需要换乘11路公共汽车,但是汽车站在哪儿? |
I have to translate these shorthand notes into longhand.
我得将这些速记的笔记译成普通文字。 |
I have to treat them in fancy places. I can't lose the face of our Chinese. I treated them at Kempinski (a five-star hotel)….. next door…..noodles.
我得请人去高级地方吃饭。不能丢我们中国人的脸。我请人吃凯宾斯基……凯宾斯基(北京一五星级宾馆),旁边那削面。 |