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They may even have a bigger role to play in stabilising the global economy if the squeeze in the credit markets becomes more acute.

They may cause psychological and physiological imbalance, and decline of memory and immunity. 这些现象很可能使人的心理、生理失衡,记忆力、机体免疫力下降。
They may choose to study foreign languages, advanced mathematics or science, such as physics or chemistry. 他们可以选择学习外国语文、高等数学或像物理、化学的科学。
They may come to find accommodation in a remote area so that they can see the natural environment there. 游客来到偏僻的地区小住,这样可以欣赏到当地的自然环境。
They may do the reverse of what you are expecting. 他们也许会做出与你期望截然相公的事情。
They may even accuse them of disloyalty, or make some spiteful remark about the friends' parents. 他们甚至责备孩子不忠,或者讲些小朋友家长的坏话。
They may even have a bigger role to play in stabilising the global economy if the squeeze in the credit markets becomes more acute. 如果信贷市场的紧缩更猛烈的话,这些新兴经济的中央银行也许会在稳定世界经济中扮演更重要角色。
They may evenhave a bigger role to play in stabilising the global economy if thesqueeze in the credit markets becomes more acute. 如果信贷市场的紧缩更严峻的话,这些新兴经济的中央银行也许会在稳定世界经济中扮演更重要角色。
They may feel giddy and struggle to breathe if they are subjected to the overwhelming smell for a long time. 过敏者如果过久地待在浓烈的香味中,会感到头晕、甚至呼吸困难。
They may feel jealous of his success. 他们也许妒嫉他的成功。
They may feel that feminism is only for lesbians or women who hate men. 他们认为争取女权运动仅仅适用于女同性恋和憎恨男人的女人。
They may feel the need to recharge their batteries with a new challenge. 他们可能觉得需要通过新挑战来给自己充电。

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