Building materials, production and management equipment, transportation equipment and office supplies imported for enterprise use and included in the total amount of investment by enterprises with foreign investment established within the areas, as well a |
中文意思: (二)区内的外商投资企业在投资总额内进口自用的建筑材料、生产经营设备、交通工具和办公用品;常驻的境外客商和技职人员进口的安家物品和自用交通工具,在合理数量范围内,免征关税和进口工商统一税。 |
Building harmonious society is not only a matter of legality but ethics.
构建“和谐社会”不仅是政治和法律的事情,而且也是道德伦理的事情。 |
Building intelligent systems engineering maintenance and installation, integrated wiring, and network systems integration services.
建筑智能化系统工程的维护与安装、综合布线、网络系统集成服务。 |
Building intelligent systems engineering, computer network engineering, building equipment automatic control systems, industrial automation control systems, radio and television systems, computer room decoration, design installation and maintenance, and t
建筑智能化系统工程、计算机网络工程、楼宇设备自动控制系统、工业自动化控制系统、广播和电视系统、计算机机房的装修、设计安装和维护、技术服务。 |
Building maintenance and update the standardization of operational procedures, as well as other personnel training.
建立和更新维修的标准化操作规程,并对其他人员进行培训. |
Building materials are expensive.
建筑材料很昂贵。 |
Building materials, production and management equipment, transportation equipment and office supplies imported for enterprise use and included in the total amount of investment by enterprises with foreign investment established within the areas, as well a
(二)区内的外商投资企业在投资总额内进口自用的建筑材料、生产经营设备、交通工具和办公用品;常驻的境外客商和技职人员进口的安家物品和自用交通工具,在合理数量范围内,免征关税和进口工商统一税。 |
Building model trains is his consuming passion.
制作模型火车是他废寝忘食的爱好. |
Building new friendships, learning to communicate, understanding cultural differences—all of these things showed me how rich the human experience is if you don't take it for granted.
结交新朋友、学会交流、理解不同的文化差异——所有这些让我感到人类的经历是如此丰富,只要你不将其当成是理所当然的。 |
Building of dams, narrowing or widening of river beds for the purpose of rescue operations and flood prevention in the areas mentioned in the preceding paragraph should get prior approval from transportation depattments of the people's governments of resp
在前款范围内因抢险、防汛需要修筑堤坝、压缩或者拓宽河床的,应当事先报经自治区、直辖市人民政府交通主管部门会同水行政主管部门批准,并采取有效的保护有关的公路、公路桥梁、公路隧道、公路渡口安全的措施。 |
Building of the Activity Center, and landscaping as well as other hardware installations.
第三期:兴建活动中心、景观植栽、设备。 |
Building on design work that began in 1996, Scaled Composites began developing a launch aircraft called the White Knight, a three-seat rocket plane known as SpaceShipOne and associated ground operations [see illustrations on pages 92 to 94].
缩尺复合公司以1996年开始进行的设计为基础,发展一架发射飞机「白骑士」、一架三人座火箭飞机「太空船一号」,和相关的地面操作系统(见88~90页图)。 |