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The people gave way as an open car pushed its way out of the Admiralty.

The people don't acknowledge this. 人们没有意识到这点。
The people elected him chairman. 人民选他当主席。
The people felt blessed as by a vision of Siva Himself. 人们感觉到受到湿婆本人的祝福。
The people fought against disease, famine, and the Algonquian Indians, whose land the British settlers now claimed. 居民和死亡、饥饿,以及亚拉冈昆族、那些土地被英国的殖民者略夺的印第安人交战。
The people from disc company want to see us after having listened to our audition tape. 唱片公司的人听过我们的试听带,现在想见我们.
The people gave way as an open car pushed its way out of the Admiralty. 当一辆敞篷车从海军部出来时,人们让出一条道。
The people had to accept the harsh exigencies of war. 人们要承受战乱的严酷现实.
The people had to gather up their few possessions and escaped abroad. 人们不得不收拾起仅有的一点财物逃到国外去。
The people hate us, and they still don't want our presence, a lot of the kids throw stones at us. 人民憎恨我们,他们仍然不希望我们的存在,很多孩子向我们丢石块。
The people have been kept down for years by a brutal regime. 人民多年遭受野蛮制度压迫.
The people have since always used the traditional artificial waymanagement document file, this management way has many shortcomings,for example: Efficiency low, secrecy bad, moreover the time one willbe long, will produce the massive documents and the dat 一直以来人们使用传统人工的方式管理文件档案,这种管理方式存在着许多缺点,如:效率低、保密性差,另外时间一长,将产生大量的文件和数据,这对于查找、更新和维护都带来了不少的困难。

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