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A covering resembling a cloak or mantle.

A covered place for walking, as in a cloister. 回廊,步道有顶棚的散步处,如回廊
A covered place or shelter; hiding place. 隐藏处或遮蔽处;藏身的地方
A covering for a wheel, usually made of rubber reinforced with cords of nylon, fiberglass, or other material and filled with compressed air. 轮胎车轮的覆盖物,通常由用尼龙绳、玻璃纤维或其它材料加固的橡胶制成,并注入了压缩的空气
A covering for the shoulders, as of fur, with long ends that hang in front. 披肩由皮毛等制成的覆盖肩部的覆盖物,长长的两端下垂在前面
A covering or cover. 覆盖物或盖子
A covering resembling a cloak or mantle. 斗篷状覆盖物一种类似长袍或斗蓬的遮盖物
A covering, usually of cloth, suspended over a throne or bed or held aloft on poles above an eminent person or a sacred object. 华盖通常由布做成的遮盖物,悬于一个王座或一张床的上面或由柱子高擎在一个显贵的人或一个神圣的物体上面
A covetous man is ever in want. 贪婪的人永远想要更多。
A covetous man is good to none but worse to himself. 贪婪的人对别人毫无好处,对自己却坏处更大。
A covetous man is good to none, but worst to himself. 贪心不足的人对他人无益,对自己最有害。
A cow charged across the farmland with a bull bellowing(out) after it. 一头母牛狂奔着冲过农田,一头公牛吼叫着尾随其后。

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