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A point that Majiatian tailings fill dam might induce earthquake and rainfall water might result in declination of shear strength of tailings sand soil once the reservoir is closed has been put forward.

A point considered to be at nominal zero potential and to which all other potentials in the circuit are referred, often, but not always, connected to the actual surface of the earth; as a verb to connect to a ground. Also called earth. 电路中的一个参考点,该点电位作为标称的零电位,其它所有电位均相对于该点而定。经常,但并非总是,将该点直接连接到地。作为动词,指连接到地线上的过程,也称作接地。
A point mutation of the hepatitis B virus is associated with reactivation of the virus in antineoplastic therapy recipients, according to researchers from Taiwan. 台湾的研究者报道,在抗肿瘤治疗的患者中与乙肝病毒一个部位变异相关的病毒复活。
A point of divergence, especially one of great moment. 转折点分岔点,尤指需要作出重大决择的时刻
A point on the celestial sphere directly below the observer, diametrically opposite the zenith. 天底天球上,在观测者垂直向下的一点,与天顶完全相对
A point or an area of traffic congestion. 交通瓶颈交通拥挤的地点或地区
A point that Majiatian tailings fill dam might induce earthquake and rainfall water might result in declination of shear strength of tailings sand soil once the reservoir is closed has been put forward. 并初步提出了马家田尾矿库可能会诱发地震和封库停运后大气降雨会导致坝体尾矿砂土抗剪强度降低的观点。
A point to bear in mind if you enjoy red wine is that it has been well acknowledged by the medical and scientific field that the stuff is actually good for you if drunk regularly in moderation. 在享用红酒时,有一点是要切记的,那就是要弄清楚所喝的酒是否得到了医学和科学的认证,从证明这种酒确实不错,允许经常适量饮用。
A point, line, or surface used as a reference, as in surveying, mapping, or geology. 资料用作参考的点、线或面,如在调查、制图或地理中
A pointed critique. 尖锐的批判
A pointed tool used to make holes in the soil for seeds, bulbs, or young plants. 一种尖头工具,用来在土中挖孔,播种籽、球茎或幼苗。
A pointed tool, such as a spike or chisel, used for breaking rock or ore. 钢楔一种如尖铁或凿子等有尖的,用于劈裂岩石或砂石的工具

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