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Prohibition may be a dispute theory, but none can complain that it do not hold water.

Prohibit publishing the articles which insulted others. 禁止发表任何带有攻击及污辱他人的文章。
Prohibit publishing the articles which violate the main forum rules. 禁止发表任何违反新概念总版规的文章。
Prohibit publishing the articles which with advertisement character. 禁止发表任何带有广告性质的文章。
Prohibit publishing the articles which with unhealthy content. 禁止发表任何不健康内容的文章。
Prohibited articles and perishable things shall be disposed of in accordance with the relevant regulations of the State. 对违禁品或者不宜长期保存的物品,应当依照国家有关规定处理。
Prohibition may be a dispute theory, but none can complain that it do not hold water. 禁酒法可能是一则有待商榷的理论,但谁也不能埋怨它有漏洞(说不通)。
Prohibition of Discrimination Manufacturers of sewn products will employ, pay, promote, and terminate workers on the basis of their ability to do the job, rather than on the basis of personal characteristics or beliefs. 禁止歧视 缝制产品制造商须根据工人执行工作的能力, 而非个人特征或信念来雇用, 给付报酬, 晋升和解雇工人.
Prohibition of Harassment or Abuse Manufacturers of sewn products will provide a work environment free of harassment, abuse or corporal punishment in any form. 禁止滋扰或虐待劳工 缝制产品制造商须提供一个不存在任何形式滋扰, 虐待或体罚措施的工作环境.
Prohibition of free speech and assembly is a measure so stringent that it would be inappropriate as the means for averting a relatively trivial harm to society. 禁止言论和集会自由是一种对社会非常有害的方法,不合适将其作为避免对社会来讲相对细小的伤害的手段。
Prohibition was laid on the export of coal. 禁止煤炭输出。
Prohibitive transaction costs, technological limitations, red tape, shortage of research knowledge, insufficient infrastructure, broken communications, conflicting interests, or plain inertia both on our and media's side have perpetuated the tyranny of th 禁止的交易费用、科技的限制、繁文缛节、研究知识的不足、不够的系统内各部分,边已经使永存现有递送格式的压治统治的在我们的和媒体两者上的坏掉的沟通,不一致的兴趣或平原惯性,即使这些格式已经被伸展到打破点。

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