Where the borrower prepays the loan, unless otherwise agreed by the parties, the interest shall be calculated based on the actual period of loan.
第二百零八条借款人提前偿还借款的,除当事人另有约定的以外,应当按照实际借款的期间计算利息。 |
Where the borrower prepays, it shall notify the facility agent at least 60 business days before the next scheduled repayment date, and repay the last installment of the principal of and interest on the loan based on the principle of “last matured, first p
借款人提前还款的,应至少在最近一个预定还款日的60个营业日前通知代理行,并在征得银团贷款成员同意后,根据银团贷款协议所列的相关贷款余额的到期次序,按后到期先还的原则偿还最后期贷款本息。 |
Where the broker facilitated the formation of the proposed contract by providing intermediary services in connection therewith, the remuneration paid to the broker shall be equally borne by parties thereto.
因居间人提供订立合同的媒介服务而促成合同成立的,由该合同的当事人平均负担居间人的报酬。 |
Where the broker facilitated the formation of the proposed contract, the brokerage expenses shall be borne by itself.
居间人促成合同成立的,居间活动的费用,由居间人负担。 |
Where the building lot for a building and connected facilities in a hot spring area is subject to a restriction requiring the installation of a pedestrian footpath to be set back from the building line or the side of a roadway within the building lot, the
温泉区建筑物及相关设施之建筑基地,受应自建筑线或基地内通路边退缩设置人行步道之限制者,直辖市、县(市)政府应考量温泉区特殊情形,依建筑技术规则建筑设计施工编第二百六十三条第二项规定,就退缩距离或免予退缩,订定认定原则审查。 |
Where the buyer has conclusive evidence establishing that a third person may make a claim on the subject matter, it may withhold payment of the corresponding price, except where the seller has provided appropriate assurance.
第一百五十二条买受人有确切证据证明第三人可能就标的物主张权利的,可以中止支付相应的价款,但出卖人提供适当担保的除外。 |
Where the buyer knew or should have known that the subject matter was subject to a third party claim at the time of conclusion of the contract, the seller does not assume the obligation prescribed in Article 150 hereof.
第一百五十一条买受人订立合同时知道或者应当知道第三人对买卖的标的物享有权利的,出卖人不承担本法第一百五十条规定的义务。 |
Where the cargo was lost in the course of carriage due to force majeure, if the freightage has not been collected, the carrier may not require payment thereof; if the freightage has been collected, the consignor may claim refund.
第三百一十四条货物在运输过程中因不可抗力灭失,未收取运费的,承运人不得要求支付运费;已收取运费的,托运人可以要求返还。 |
Where the carrier delays in carriage, it shall, upon request by the passenger, either reschedule or refund the fare.
承运人迟延运输的,应当根据旅客的要求安排改乘其他班次或者退票。 |
Where the carrier sustains any loss due to the consignor's provision of false information or omission of any material information, the consignor shall be liable for damages.
因托运人申报不实或者遗漏重要情况,造成承运人损失的,托运人应当承担损害赔偿责任。 |
Where the carrier unilaterally changed the mode of transportation, thereby lowering the standard of service, it shall, upon request by the passenger, refund or reduce the fare; where the service standard is enhanced as a result, no additional fare shall b
第三百条承运人擅自变更运输工具而降低服务标准的,应当根据旅客的要求退票或者减收票款;提高服务标准的,不应当加收票款。 |