Goods from foreign countries in transit /transship to North Korea or Iran via any commercial port in Taiwan shall be declared in detail, also must receive an approval from the BOFT or a government authority (agency) appointed by the Ministry of Economic A
外国货品经由我国通商口岸转口、转运至北韩及伊朗者,须详实申报货名,并向经济部国际贸易局或经济部委任或委托之机关(构)申请许可。 |
Goods from overseas are kept bonded, no customs duty or VAT required.
境外进入保税物流中心的货物给予保税。 |
Goods intended to be sold in the non-bonded areas shall not be transported into the bonded area.
目的在于销往非保税区的货物不得运入保税区。 |
Goods must be shipped in container on LCL basis and Bill of Lading to eidence he same and to show that all LCL. handling charges,THC and deliery order charges at thd port of discharges are prepaid.
货物必须以拼箱的形式装在集装箱内,海运提单须显示所有箱货,并与货物一致,预付港杂费,码头操作费,海运费,港口卸货费用。 |
Goods must be shipped in container on LCL basis and Bill of Lading to evidence he same and to show that all LCL. handling charges,THC and delivery order charges at thd port of discharges are prepaid.
货物必须以拼箱的形式装在集装箱内,海运提单须显示所有箱货,并与货物一致,预付港杂费,码头操作费,海运费,港口卸货费用。 |
Goods must not be of Israeli origin.
货物不得是以色列产地(阿拉伯国家信用证)。 |
Goods now on sale; the now aging dictator.
现售货物;现在正在衰老下去的独裁者 |
Goods often stop during the transfer process, which is professionally called the storage of logistics.
在商品流转过程中,往往会处于某种停滞的状态,物流的专业术语就称之为储存。 |
Goods processed in the factory into non-taxable products.
二在厂内加工为非应税产品者。 |
Goods provided in the factory for consumption.
一在厂内供消费者。 |
Goods purchased or taxable services consumed in the production of work-in-progress or finished goo ds which suffer abnormal losses.
(六)非正常损失的在产品、产成品所耗用的购进货物或者应税劳务。 |