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The interior suspended ceiling of Shanghai Jiaoyun Building adopts Chuncui European Stylegypsum products and was installed by us.

The interior of the outlet is a non-smoking environment as we want to let people have the choice not to have 2nd hand smoke, but the front garden is a great place for friends who choose to smoke. 店内区在晚上是禁烟的.这是因为我们希望不吸烟的朋友们可以拥有不吸二手烟的权利.但是,选择吸烟的朋友们,小花园绝对是您的首选地区。
The interior of the storage tank shall be lined with a special resin coating. 热水炉容器内胆应该内衬特殊的树脂涂层。
The interior parts are easy to disassemble and assemble for cleaning. 内部配件容易拆下清洗乾净,装上也容易。
The interior space can be reconfigured to carry two AT-ST walkers instead, though they require partial disassembly to fit inside. 其内部空间也足够放置两架AT-ST步行者,但是它们某些部分需要拆卸下来,以适应货舱的形状。
The interior suspended ceiling and partition walls of Shanghai Airlines Travel Hotel all adopt Chuncui European Style” gypsum products, in which non-paper-surface gypsum boards reach over 60,000m2. 上航假日大酒店内部吊顶及隔墙全部采用“纯翠欧风”石膏制品,其中无纸面石膏板达到6万余方。
The interior suspended ceiling of Shanghai Jiaoyun Building adopts Chuncui European Stylegypsum products and was installed by us. 位于上海大连路的“海上海”建筑群全部采用了我公司的石膏制品,其中检修口达3000多套。
The interior trade in both countries boomed again. 两国的国内贸易也重新繁荣起来。
The interior was green, blue and red, gleaming with a vibrant jewel-like glow. 其内部是绿,蓝和红交错的,发着宝石一样的波光。
The interlacing branches on the picture look poetic. 图上交错的树枝看起来很有诗意。
The interlanguage in Mandarin is a continuum which is composed of standard Mandarin, near to Mandarin, dialectal Mandarin and dialect. 普通话中介语就是由标准普通话、靠近普通话、方言普通话、方言这些相互连接而形成的连续体组成的。
The interlining of my overcoat is worn out. 我的外套衬里破了。

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