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A: Dude, did you see that babe over there? I'm dating her.

A: Dou you want to reconfirm? (请问您是想要确认机位吗?)
A: Drive me to Kennedy Airport, please? 请送我去肯尼迪机场。
A: Drive me to Kennedy Airport, please? B: Im sorry. My cars taken. A: Where is the next taxi stand? B: Not far away. Its over there. 请送我去肯尼迪机场。-抱歉,我的车子有人约了。-下一个的士站在哪?-不远,就在那儿。
A: Drop it in the mail box marked “Out of town” at that corner. 把它扔进那个角落里标有“外埠”的邮箱。
A: Drop me a line when you get to New York. 当你到过纽约时,写封信给我。
A: Dude, did you see that babe over there? I'm dating her. 老兄,看见那边那个美女没有?我正在跟她约会喔!
A: Dude, where's my car? 嘿,我的车呢?
A: Due to the increase in oil prices we expect a slowdown in the global economy. 由于石油价格的升浮,我们预计全球经济会衰退。
A: Each year the Trustees review the spending policy to ensure that the real value of the Permanent Fund grows over time and that the annual spending rate does not exceed the expected long-term rate of return less the expected rate of inflation. 答:每年保管委员会重新讨论经费使用政策以确保永久基金的真实价值会与日俱增,并且每年的经费使用比率不会超过预期的长期盈利率扣除预期的通货膨胀率。
A: Early evening is best. Shall we say six – in the hotel lo y? 傍晚的时候最好。我们6点在旅馆大厅见面好吗?
A: Eighteen years old - citizen can vote. 答:年满十八岁的公民有选举权.

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